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Featured researches published by Ana Tereza Medeiros Cavalcanti da Silva.

Escola Anna Nery | 2009

A violência de gênero e o processo saúde-doença das mulheres

R. N. C. Guedes; Ana Tereza Medeiros Cavalcanti da Silva; Rosa Maria Godoy Serpa da Fonseca

Trata-se de um estudo que teve como objetivo compreender e analisar as repercussoes da violencia conjugal no processo saudedoenca das mulheres. E resultado da reanalise do material obtido em uma investigacao por meio de entrevistas com mulheres em situacao de violencia e de denuncia, na Delegacia da Mulher no Municipio de Joao Pessoa - PB. A analise dos discursos evidenciou que a violencia conjugal e um fenomeno social recorrente e multifacetado que influencia significativamente a saude das mulheres que a vivenciam. Seu enfrentamento exige dos profissionais de saude o reconhecimento de que a violencia e um problema de saude coletiva que perpassa todas as dimensoes das relacoes sociais, cujas raizes encontram-se nas desigualdades de genero. Tal fenomeno necessita de ser captado, compreendido e combatido em todas as dimensoes da realidade social. Palavras-chave: Violencia contra a Mulher. Genero e Saude. Violencia Domestica. Processo Saude-Doenca.Trata-se de um estudo que teve como objetivo compreender e analisar as repercussoes da violencia conjugal no processo saude-doenca das mulheres. E resultado da reanalise do material obtido em uma investigacao por meio de entrevistas com mulheres em situacao de violencia e de denuncia, na Delegacia da Mulher no Municipio de Joao Pessoa - PB. A analise dos discursos evidenciou que a violencia conjugal e um fenomeno social recorrente e multifacetado que influencia significativamente a saude das mulheres que a vivenciam. Seu enfrentamento exige dos profissionais de saude o reconhecimento de que a violencia e um problema de saude coletiva que perpassa todas as dimensoes das relacoes sociais, cujas raizes encontram-se nas desigualdades de genero. Tal fenomeno necessita de ser captado, compreendido e combatido em todas as dimensoes da realidade social.

Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da Usp | 2002

Políticas de saúde e de saúde mental no Brasil: a exclusão/inclusão social como intenção e gesto

Ana Tereza Medeiros Cavalcanti da Silva; Sônia Barros; Márcia Aparecida Ferreira de Oliveira

Trata-se de um ensaio que focaliza as politicas de saude mental como politica de saude no âmbito das politicas sociais no Brasil. Busca refletir as articulacoes entre sociedade/Estado/saude no plano politico estrutural e politico especifico, por meio do resgate historico das referidas politicas, identificando as caracteristicas e os problemas de cada momento.Conclui que ha na atualidade, um embate entre duas estrategias de assistencia psiquiatrica: a do modelo hegemonico, hospitalocentrico, que sequestra vidas, mutila corpos e mentes e mercantiliza a saude, e a do modelo contra-hegemonico, que busca a ruptura pela critica aquela logica, para produzir a tolerância para com a diferenca, na sociedade brasileira.This study emphasizes the specific characteristics of the mental health as a health policy in the social political field, in Brazil. The objective of this study is to analyze on the Society/State/Health articulations between the structural policies and the specific politic program by means of the historical rescue of these policies, identifying the characteristics and problems at each moment. Presently, an impact between the two strategies of the psychiatric assistance is observed: the hegemonic, hospital centered model which abducts lives, mutilate bodies and minds and trade the Health and, that one, against to the predominant model, searching the rupture by criticizing the Brazilian society.

Cadernos De Saude Publica | 2012

Análise espacial da violência doméstica contra a mulher entre os anos de 2002 e 2005 em João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brasil

Kerle Dayana Tavares de Lucena; Ana Tereza Medeiros Cavalcanti da Silva; Ronei Marcos de Moraes; Cesar Cavalcanti da Silva; Italla Maria Pinheiro Bezerra

This was a quantitative, ecological, exploratory study using spatial analysis and a geographic information system. The population consisted of all the women that had filed complaints against domestic violence in the city of Joao Pessoa, Paraiba State, Brazil, from 2002 to 2005, at the Specialized Police Precinct for Women. The aim was to investigate the spatial distribution of domestic violence in order to assist policymakers in the decision-making process. Analysis of the results allowed identifying areas of low and high incidence of domestic violence, besides comparing the risk in each neighborhood to the overall rate for the city of Joao Pessoa. Based on the Getis and Ord index, the study produced a decision on priority areas for intervening in domestic violence. The authors highlight the need for changes in care for female victims of violence and the link among institutions with permanent education in the services, including discussions on gender and violence against women.

Escola Anna Nery | 2009

The violence of gender and health-disease process of women

R. N. C. Guedes; Ana Tereza Medeiros Cavalcanti da Silva; Rosa Maria Godoy Serpa da Fonseca

Trata-se de um estudo que teve como objetivo compreender e analisar as repercussoes da violencia conjugal no processo saudedoenca das mulheres. E resultado da reanalise do material obtido em uma investigacao por meio de entrevistas com mulheres em situacao de violencia e de denuncia, na Delegacia da Mulher no Municipio de Joao Pessoa - PB. A analise dos discursos evidenciou que a violencia conjugal e um fenomeno social recorrente e multifacetado que influencia significativamente a saude das mulheres que a vivenciam. Seu enfrentamento exige dos profissionais de saude o reconhecimento de que a violencia e um problema de saude coletiva que perpassa todas as dimensoes das relacoes sociais, cujas raizes encontram-se nas desigualdades de genero. Tal fenomeno necessita de ser captado, compreendido e combatido em todas as dimensoes da realidade social. Palavras-chave: Violencia contra a Mulher. Genero e Saude. Violencia Domestica. Processo Saude-Doenca.Trata-se de um estudo que teve como objetivo compreender e analisar as repercussoes da violencia conjugal no processo saude-doenca das mulheres. E resultado da reanalise do material obtido em uma investigacao por meio de entrevistas com mulheres em situacao de violencia e de denuncia, na Delegacia da Mulher no Municipio de Joao Pessoa - PB. A analise dos discursos evidenciou que a violencia conjugal e um fenomeno social recorrente e multifacetado que influencia significativamente a saude das mulheres que a vivenciam. Seu enfrentamento exige dos profissionais de saude o reconhecimento de que a violencia e um problema de saude coletiva que perpassa todas as dimensoes das relacoes sociais, cujas raizes encontram-se nas desigualdades de genero. Tal fenomeno necessita de ser captado, compreendido e combatido em todas as dimensoes da realidade social.

Revista Brasileira De Enfermagem | 2005

A Saúde Mental no PSF e o trabalho de enfermagem

Ana Tereza Medeiros Cavalcanti da Silva; Cesar Cavalcanti da Silva; Maria de Oliveira Ferreira Filha; Maria Mirian Lima da Nóbrega; Sônia Barros; Kamila Késsia Gomes dos Santos

Pesquisa com a finalidade de compreender os limites/possibilidades de implementacao de acoes de saude mental nos servicos da rede basica de saude do municipio de Cabedelo PB, na perspectiva da Reforma Psiquiatrica proposta no pais. Tem referencial teorico-metodologico no Materialismo Historico e Dialetico. O material empirico foi analisado pela tecnica de analise do discurso. Os resultados indicaram que o processo de trabalho dos enfermeiros identifica-se com o processo de trabalho Assistir (Cuidar/Fazer). Preserva aspectos do modelo tradicional, mas, incorpora outros enfoques da Saude Coletiva, num movimento que requer a compreensao dos pressupostos do movimento pela Reforma Psiquiatrica para a transformacao do processo de trabalho de enfermagem, no sentido da inclusao social e da integralidade da assistencia.Research with the purpose of understanding the limits/possibilities of the implementation of mental health actions in the services of the basic health system of the municipal district of Cabedelo-PB, in the perspective of the Psychiatric Reform proposed in the country. It has theoretical-methodological reference in the Historical Materialism and Dialectics. The empiric material was analyzed by the technique of speech analysis. The results indicated that the work process of the nurses identifies with the work process to Attend (Care/Making). It preserves aspects of the traditional model, but it incorporates other focuses of the Collective Health, in a movement that requests the understanding of the presuppositions of the movement for the Psychiatric Reform for the transformation of the work process of nursing, in the sense of the social inclusion and of the integrality of the assistance.

Revista Brasileira De Enfermagem | 2004

Formação de Enfermeiros na perspectiva da Reforma Psiquiátrica

Ana Tereza Medeiros Cavalcanti da Silva; Jordana Silva de Souza; Cesar Cavalcanti da Silva; Maria Miriam Lima da Nóbrega; Maria de Oliveira Ferreira Filha; Sônia Barros; João Euclides Fernandes Braga

This study is the result of research conducted by senior students of the Nursing Course on the conceptions of the mental health/disease process in the perspective of the Psychiatric Reform proposed countrywide. It was based on the theoretical-methodological system of the Historical and Dialectical Materialism and it has Work as its category of analysis. The empirical material was analyzed through the Speech Analysis technique. The themes gathered from the speeches converged into the formation of an empirical category that refers to the reproduction of the knowledge of traditional psychiatry in the teaching of Nursing, indicating a professional education based on that conservative social position.This study is the result of research conducted by senior students of the Nursing Course on the conceptions of the mental health/disease process in the perspective of the Psychiatric Reform proposed countrywide. It was based on the theoretical-methodological system of the Historical and Dialectical Materialism and it has Work as its category of analysis. The empirical material was analyzed through the Speech Analysis technique. The themes gathered from the speeches converged into the formation of an empirical category that refers to the reproduction of the knowledge of traditional psychiatry in the teaching of Nursing, indicating a professional education based on that conservative social position. Descriptors: work process; teaching of nursing; psychiatric reform Title: Education of Nurses in the Perspective of the Psychiatric Reform

Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da Usp | 2013

Controle pressórico e adesão/ vínculo em hipertensos usuários da atenção primária à saúde.

Christiana Souto Silva; Neir Antunes Paes; Tânia Maria Ribeiro Monteiro de Figueiredo; Maria Aparecida Alves Cardoso; Ana Tereza Medeiros Cavalcanti da Silva; Juliana Sousa Soares de Araújo

This is a population-based, descriptive, and analytic study conducted with a randomized and probabilistic sample comprising 340 hypertensive individuals representative of the Family Health Strategy (FHS) Service in Joio Pessoa, PB, Brazil. The present study corresponds to the first part of a cohort started in 2008. The instrument used was an adaptation of the Primary Care Assessment Tool revalidated in Brazil. Logistic regression was used to investigate the associations between blood pressure (BP) control, sociodemographic variables, and an indicator of adherence/ attachment. Among the 340 hypertensive participants, 32.6% were followed up at the FHS, and 89.1% exhibited satisfactory adherence/ attachment. The older adults were more likely to control BP, which suggests a more accurate self-care perception and greater adherence to treatment. The present study highlights the problem posed by the control of hypertension by means of the assessment of services. We expected the present model to be applied at other locations to generate parameters to compare different municipalities.

Revista Latino-americana De Enfermagem | 2010

The Active Search for Respiratory Symptomatics for the Control of Tuberculosis in the Potiguara Indigenous Scenario, Paraiba, Brazil

Rafaela Gerbasi Nóbrega; Jordana de Almeida Nogueira; Antonio Ruffino Netto; Lenilde Duarte de Sá; Ana Tereza Medeiros Cavalcanti da Silva; Tereza Cristina Scatena Villa

This study sought to analyze the actions of an active search for respiratory symptomatics (RSs) in the control of tuberculosis (TB) in the Potiguara Special Indigenous Sanitary District, Paraiba, Brazil, between May and June 2007. After approval by the Research Ethics Committee, 23 professionals were grouped, including physicians, nurses, nurse technicians and indigenous health agents. The focus group technique was used as an instrument for data collection, based on the discourse analysis technique. Weaknesses of an operational nature that became apparent, related to the organization of local health service for the implementation of routines for diagnosing TB: absence of a systematic routine for searching for RSs, difficulties in organizing the material for bacteriological examination, inadequate approach to patient during sputum collection and inadequate professional training. It is deemed necessary to improve the organization of services for early detection of TB cases in the local indigenous scenario.Este estudio analiza las acciones de la busqueda activa de sintomaticos respiratorios (SR) para el control de la tuberculosis (TB) en el Distrito Sanitario Especial Indigena Potiguara, en Paraiba, Brasil, en el periodo de mayo a junio de 2007. Despues de aprobado por el Comite de Etica en Investigacion, fueron reunidos 23 profesionales, entre medicos, enfermeros, tecnicos de enfermeria y agentes indigenas de la salud. Se utilizo la tecnica de grupo focal como instrumento de recoleccion de datos, cuyo tratamiento se fundamento en la tecnica de analisis de discurso. Se evidenciaron debilidades de naturaleza operacional, relacionadas a la organizacion del servicio de salud local para la implantacion de rutinas de diagnostico para la TB, que fueron: ausencia de una rutina sistematizada para la busqueda de SR, dificultades en la organizacion del material para examen bacteriologico, abordaje inadecuado al paciente durante la recoleccion del esputo, e insuficiente capacitacion profesional. Se juzga necesario mejorar la organizacion de los servicios para la deteccion precoz de los casos de TB en el escenario indigena local.Descriptores: Tuberculosis; Poblacion Indigena; Servicios de Salud.

Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing | 2007

The Marital Violence under a gender view: domination and possibility of destruction of the hegemonily idealized model of marriage.

R. N. C. Guedes; Ana Tereza Medeiros Cavalcanti da Silva; Cesar Cavalcanti da Silva; Edméia de Almeida Cardoso Coelho; Waglânia de Mendonça Faustino e Freitas

This study is intended to enlarge the understanding of marital violence. In a qualitative analysis the research investigated what marital violence does mean to women victims of this kind of violence and how it affects their biological, emotional and social life. The results of the qualitative material in this research were achieved through interviews with women in situation of reported violence whose speeches were analyzed under the perspective of Fiorin 3. The analysis of the speeches showed that marital violence is a manifestation of the power assimmetry present in the relation of the genders and the women´s emotional feelings as well as their standard idealized profile as woman, wife and mother turned out to be a strong hidrance to their liberation from that violent relation and oppressive condition. The difficulty to face such a condition results in women having to go on living with their aggressors, which makes marital violence a recurrent, multifaceted phenomenon affecting their physical, mental and social health. Key words: Violence against women, gender and health, gender identity, power.

Revista Brasileira de Ciências da Saúde | 2012


Jackeline Abílio de Souza; Rosilene Alves de Almeida; Ana Tereza Medeiros Cavalcanti da Silva; Ulisses Umbelino dos Anjos; Ronei Marcos de Moraes

Objective: To Develop a Model to Support Decision Making based on rules that should guide professionals of the Special Police Departments for Assistance to Women (DEAMs) in routing women under situations of domestic violence to intersectoral care services. Material and Methods: This is a methodological study that elaborates a Decision Making Model Based on Rules, which was built based on protocols, manuals and laws that support attention to women in situations of domestic violence. Results: Depending on the type of violence suffered, the woman should be referred to certain services. If violence were sexual, the woman should be addressed to hospital, psychological, legal and social support. If violence were against minors under 18 years, the Guardian Council should be activated and if that was practiced by the spouse or partner, the woman ought to be referred to shelter-houses. If violence were physical, the woman should be referred to hospital care, social and legal support. When it was related to psychological violence, the woman should be directed to psychological treatment and social assistance. Conclusion: The Model to Support Decision based on rules can provide decision support for the police stations of women in order to better inform referral depending on the type of aggression, thus meeting the expectations of women who seek DEAMs. DESCRIPTORS: Decision Support Techniques. Domestic Violence. Justice Administration System. Intersectorial Action. Comprehensive Health Care.


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Sônia Barros

University of São Paulo

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