Antonia Sherlânea Chaves Véras
Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco
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Featured researches published by Antonia Sherlânea Chaves Véras.
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2003
Kaliandra Souza Alves; Francisco Fernando Ramos de Carvalho; Marcelo de Andrade Ferreira; Antonia Sherlânea Chaves Véras; Ariosvaldo Nunes de Medeiros; Jansen Ferreira do Nascimento; Luciana Remígio Santos Nascimento; Amanda Valéria Aureliano dos Anjos
Carcass characteristics, cut dressing and body constituents were determined according to the different dietary energy levels. Eighteen Santa Ines sheep (averaging live weight of 20 kg and six months old) were full fed diets with 2.43, 2.66 and 2.88 Mcal of metabolizable energy (ME)/kg of dry matter (DM). The animals were slaughtered when reached 33 kg live weight (LW). A randomized block design, with six replicates, was used. Linear decreasing effect was observed for loss in fast (LF) and linear increase for hot (HCW) and cold (CCW) carcass weight, hot (HCD) and cold (CCD) carcass dressing and empty body weight (EBW). However, the loss in cooling (LC) and true dressing (TD) were not affected by the dietary energy levels. For the cuts and its respective dressing in relation to the CCW, no effect was observed for the analyzed variables, except for shoulder weight and superior rib weight, that showed increasing linear effect, as the dietary energy levels increased. The compactness index of the carcass and leg showed no effect, as the dietary energy levels increased. Fat thichness and loin eye area showed no significant effects. No significant effect was observed for the noncarcass constituents, except for the internal fat (IF) and for the content of gastrointestinal tract - CGT and rumen/reticulum - R/R, that showed linear increasing effect and linear decreasing effect, respectively.
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2000
Marcelo de Andrade Ferreira; Sebastião de Campos Valadares Filho; Elaine Barbosa Muniz; Antonia Sherlânea Chaves Véras
The effect of different dietary concentrate levels (25, 37.5, 50, 62.5, and 75%) on the carcass characteristics, gastrointestinal tract weight, internal organ weight and gastrointestinal tract fill was evaluated. Twenty-four F1 Simental x Nellore bulls, with 17 months of age and average live weight of 354 kg, were used. The animals were slaughtered when reached 500 kg of live weight. After cooling, carcasses were qualitative (loin eye area) and quantitatively (measures, yields and prime cuts) evaluated. The carcass and prime cuts dressing, the loin eye area and the muscle and fat contents were not affected by the concentrate levels, while the carcass length linearly decreased as concentrate level increased. The gastrointestinal tract fill linearly decreased as dietary concentrate level increased. There was no effect of concentrate level on the heart, lungs and rumen-reticulum weights. The weights of liver, kidney, spleen, abomasum, small intestine and internal fat increased and the weight of the omasum linearly decreased as dietary concentrate levels increased.
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2007
Safira Valença Bispo; Marcelo de Andrade Ferreira; Antonia Sherlânea Chaves Véras; Ângela Maria Vieira Batista; Ricardo Alexandre Silva Pessoa; Marcela Pimentel Bleuel
Este experimento foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da substituicao do feno de capim-elefante por palma forrageira (Opuntia ficus indica, Mill), como fonte de forragem, sobre o consumo e a digestibilidade aparente dos nutrientes e das caracteristicas ruminais de carneiros. Cinco dietas isoproteicas foram formuladas, em que a palma forrageira substituiu 0, 14, 28, 42 e 56% do feno de capim elefante na dieta. Cinco ovinos machos nao-castrados foram distribuidos em um delineamento em quadrado latino 5 x 5 (cinco periodos, cinco niveis de palma e cinco repeticoes). Cada periodo experimental teve duracao de 13 dias - sete para adaptacao e seis dias para coleta de dados e amostras. Os consumos de MS, MO, EE, PB, CT, CNF e NDT aumentaram linearmente com a substituicao do feno de capim-elefante por palma forrageira na dieta. O consumo de agua diminuiu linearmente e o de FDN apresentou efeito quadratico com a substituicao do feno de capim-elefante por palma forrageira na dieta. Os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente de EE, PB, CNF e FDN nao foram influenciados, enquanto os de MS, MO e CT aumentaram linearmente com a substituicao do feno de capim-elefante por palma forrageira na dieta. O pH e a concentracao de NH3 ruminal decresceram linearmente com a substituicao do feno de capim-elefante por palma forrageira na dieta. A substituicao do feno de capim-elefante por palma forrageira na dieta melhora a ingestao e o aproveitamento dos nutrientes.
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2006
Carla Wanderley Mattos; Francisco Fernando Ramos de Carvalho; Wilson Moreira Dutra Júnior; Antonia Sherlânea Chaves Véras; Ângela Maria Vieira Batista; Kaliandra Souza Alves; Valéria Louro Ribeiro; Maria Josilaine Matos dos Santos Silva; Geovergue Rodrigues de Medeiros; Rodrigo Mascarenhas Jordão de Vasconcelos; Alessandra Oliveira de Araújo; Suellen Brandão de Miranda
Twenty-two non-castrated male kids (10 Moxoto and 12 Caninde) averaging 15 kg of initial body weight and housed in individual pens were used in this trial. Animals were assigned to a completely randomized design in a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement of treatments [two breeds and two feeding levels: ad libitum (AL) or 30% of feed restriction (FR). Animals fed AL had greater yields of hot carcass, cold carcass, and carcass edible parts compared to those fed FR. It was not observed a significant feeding level effect on true carcass yield. After slaughter and cooling of the carcasses the following cuts were done: neck, shoulder clod, ribs (1st-5th and 6th-13th), loin, leg and breast. Although animals fed AL had greater body weights than FR kids, no significant differences were found between treatments for the different carcass cuts when expressed as percentage of cold carcass weight. Hind leg yield was affected by feeding level being lower in animals fed AL. Yields of liver, head, and gut, as percentage of empty body weight, were also affected by feeding level. Feed restriction had a negative effect on development and tissue deposition leading to lower cold carcass yield and weight. It can be concluded that when size and mature weight were similar, breed was not responsible for the differences on carcass characteristics, non-carcass components, and commercial cuts.
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2003
Airon Aparecido Silva de Melo; Marcelo de Andrade Ferreira; Antonia Sherlânea Chaves Véras; M. A. Lira; Luiz Evandro de Lima; Márcio da Silva Vilela; Elizabel Oliveira Silva de Melo; Paulo Renato Barros Araújo
The work was carried out to evaluate the partial replacement of soybean meal by urea and forage cactus on the performance of lactating dairy Holstein. Eight cows with 90 days in milk and 600 kg of initial average LW, were assigned in a two 4 X4 latin square design. The urea represented 0.0, 0.8, 1.54 and 2.40% of dry matter (DM) of the diets, correspondent to 2.32, 4.65, 6.66 and 8.02% of crude protein (CP) levels in the form of non protein nitrogen compounds (NPN), that represented the experimental treatments. There was a quadratics effect of levels of NPN on the intake of CP, with maximum intake of 3.3 kg/day with 4.71 % of NPN. The calcium (Ca) intake increased, and dray matter (DM); organic matter (OM), ether extract (EE), total carbohydrates (TCH), non fibercarbohydrates (NFC), acid detergent fiber (ADF) and total digestible nutrients (TDN) intakes decreased linearly. The intakes of neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and Phosphorus (P) was not affected by NPN levels. The milk production and fat corrected milk (3,5%) decresed linearly as levels of urea and forage cactus increased. The yield of fat, protein, milk composition and feed:eficiency ration was not affected by NPN levels.
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2003
Kaliandra Souza Alves; Francisco Fernando Ramos de Carvalho; Antonia Sherlânea Chaves Véras; Marcelo Ferreira de Andrade; Roberto Germano Costa; Ângela Maria Vieira Batista; Ariosvaldo Nunes de Medeiros; Rinaldo José de Souto Maior Júnior; Dulciene Karla Bezerra de Andrade
The intakes of dry matter (IDM), metabolizable energy (IME), ether extract (IEE), crude protein (ICP), neutral detergent fiber (INDF), acid detergent fiber (IADF) and organic matter (IOM) and the daily weight gain (WG), in kg/day, and feed conversion (FC) were determined to evaluate the effect of three dietary energy levels, for sheep. Eighteen Santa Ines sheep (averaging live weight of 20 kg six months old) were full fed diets with 2.42, 2.66 and 2.83 Mcal of metabolizable energy (ME)/kg of dry matter (DM). A randomized block design, with six replicates, was used. IDM, in kg/day, %LW, g/kg0.75, showed no effect, as the dietary energy levels increased, with average of 0.88 kg, 3.33% and 75.52 g, respectively. INDF and IADF showed linear decreasing effect, as the dietary energy levels increased. IEE and IME increased linearly, as the dietary energy levels increased. There was no significant effect for ICP, as the dietary energy levels increased. Dietary energy levels did not influence weight gain and feed conversion, that were of 0.123, 0.137, and 0.191 kg and 9.6, 8.4, and 7.0, respectively.
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2003
Kaliandra Souza Alves; Francisco Fernando Ramos de Carvalho; Antonia Sherlânea Chaves Véras; Marcelo de Andrade Ferreira; Roberto Germano Costa; Elisângela Pereira dos Santos; Cleber Rondinelli Gomes de Freitas; Célio Marques dos Santos Júnior; Dulciene Karla Bezerra de Andrade
The coefficients of apparent digestibility of dry matter (CADDM), organic matter (CADOM), crude protein (CADCP), ether extract (CADEE), total carbohydrates (CADTCHO), nonfiber carbohydrates (CADNFC), neutral detergent fiber (CADNDF) and acid detergent fiber (CADADF) were determined to evaluate the effect of the increasing dietary energy levels. The estimate of the apparent digestibility of the nutrients, using the method of fecal total collection, and the estimate of fecal dry matter production (FDMP), by the indigestible acid detergent fiber (IADF), as internal marker, were also compared. Eighteen Santa Ines sheep (averaging live weight of 20 kg and six months old) were full fed diets with 2.42; 2.66 and 2.83 Mcal metabolizable energy/kg of dry matter and allotted to a randomized block design, with six replicates. FDMP estimate, using IADF, was performed to be compared with the FDMP, determined by the total feces collection. It was observed increasing linear effect for CADDM, CADOM, CADEE, CADTCHO and CADNFC, as the the dietary energy levels increased. However, CADNDF and CADADF decreased linearly and, for CADCP, there was no effect, as the the dietary energy levels increased. IADF can be used as internal marker to estimate the coefficient of apparent digestibility in sheep.
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2008
Maria das Graças Gomes Cunha; Francisco Fernando Ramos de Carvalho; Antonia Sherlânea Chaves Véras; Ângela Maria Vieira Batista
This work was carried out with the objective to evaluate the effects of different levels (0.0 20.0, 30.0 and 40.0%) of whole cottonseed (Gossypium hirsutum L.) of the diet (% DM) on performance and nutrient digestibilities of feedlot Santa Inez sheep. Twenty-four sheep with average initial and final body weight of 19.0 and 32.2 kg, respectively, and allotted to a completely randomized design, with four diets and six replications. The dry matter intake in kg/day, %BW and g/kg0.75 was not influenced by the inclusion of the whole cottonseed (WCS), with averages of 1.195, 4.61, and 104.07, respectively. The total and daily weight gains decreased, while the feed conversion ration showed increasing linear effect with the inclusion of WCS, except for the level of 20% WCS that showed similar performance to the control diet. The intakes of dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), crude protein (CP), total carbohydrates (TC) and total digestible nutrients (TDN), in g/day were not affected, while the neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), ether extract (EE) presented increasing linear effect with the inclusion of WCS. The inclusion of whole cottonseed in the feeding provided quadratic effect for digestible coefficients of CP, ADF and increasing linear effect for NDF and EE, however did not affect DM, OM, TC and TDN intake of the diets. The whole cottonseed in the used levels does not alter the intake and the digestibility of the DM, NDF and TND, but reduced the weight gain and feed conversion ratio of feedlot of the Santa Inez lambs, and could be included in termination diets.
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2002
Dulciene Karla Bezerra de Andrade; Marcelo de Andrade Ferreira; Antonia Sherlânea Chaves Véras; Walmir Lima Wanderley; Luís Evandro da Silva; Francisco Fernando Ramos de Carvalho; Kaliandra Souza Alves; Wellington Samay de Melo
It was evaluated the effect of four levels forage cactus in replacement of sorghum silage, in diets of lactating Holstein cows, on the apparent digestibility of dry matter (ADDM), organic matter (ADOM), crude protein (ADCP), ether extract (ADEE), neutral detergent fiber (ADNDF) and acid (ADADF), total carbohydrates (ADTCH) and nonfiber carbohydrates (ADNFC), content of total digestible nutrients (TDN) and apparent absorption of calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), potassium (K) and sodium (Na). Eight Holstein cows averaging 590 kg and producing 27 kg of milk/day were used in a 4x4 Latin square design with four animals, four periods and four levels of forage cactus inclusion. All nutrients apparent digestibility showed significant quadratic response with increasing cactus in diets. Significant quadratic responses of apparent digestibility would likely attributed to increase in amounts NFC, decrease NDF and ADF in diets. The apparent absorption for Ca, P and Na also showed significant quadratic response. However, K had linear increase. The Ca:P ratio that provided better apparent absorption for the two mineral elements was 1.9:1.
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2002
Robson Magno Liberal Véras; Marcelo de Andrade Ferreira; Francisco Fernando Ramos de Carvalho; Antonia Sherlânea Chaves Véras
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o consumo e a digestibilidade aparente de nutrientes em dietas com quatro niveis de substituicao do milho (0, 25, 50 e 75%) pelo farelo de palma forrageira. Dezesseis carneiros com 30 meses de idade e peso vivo medio de 40 kg foram alocados em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso. Nao houve efeito dos niveis de substituicao do milho pelo farelo de palma sobre o consumo de nutrientes, o qual foi restrito em 2,5% do peso vivo. A inclusao do farelo de palma forrageira nao influenciou o coeficiente de digestibilidade aparente da materia seca, materia orgânica, fibra em detergente neutro, carboidratos totais, extrato etereo e proteina bruta. O coeficiente de digestibilidade aparente da fibra em detergente acido aumentou linearmente com a inclusao de palma forrageira na dieta.
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Francisco Fernando Ramos de Carvalho
National Council for Scientific and Technological Development
View shared research outputsDulciene Karla Bezerra de Andrade
Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco
View shared research outputsEvaristo Jorge Oliveira de Souza
Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco
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