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Featured researches published by Bernardete A. Gatti.

Revista Brasileira de Educação | 2008

Análise das políticas públicas para formação continuada no Brasil, na última década

Bernardete A. Gatti

Esse artigo discute a forma como processos de educacao continuada, presenciais ou a distância, tem sido implementados no contexto das politicas educacionais da Uniao, de estados e municipios, na ultima decada. Mostra a multiplicidade de iniciativas desenvolvidas em diferentes modalidades metodologicas, visando variados tipos de formacao, com foco em professores de diversos niveis de ensino e suas especialidades. Coloca a questao no contexto internacional pela exposicao de varios documentos de organismos internacionais. Discute o papel da legislacao brasileira, o impulso que propiciou as iniciativas de educacao continuada no Brasil, os problemas que emergiram e as novas legislacoes emergentes.This article discusses the way in which processes of continuing in-service or distance education have been implemented in the context of educational policies developed by the Union, states and municipalities in the last decade in Brazil. It presents the multiplicity of initiatives developed employing different methodologies and offering diverse kinds of training, with a focus on teachers in different levels and teaching specialties. It situates the question in the international context by means of an analysis of documents produced by different international organisations. It discusses the role of Brazilian legislation, the impulse which favoured initiatives of continuing education in Brazil, the problems which emerged and the emerging new legislation.

Educação e Pesquisa | 2004

Estudos quantitativos em educação

Bernardete A. Gatti

The article refers to studies in education carried out in Brazil during the last three decades using quantitative approaches. The selection of the works to be examined was based on a survey of all issues published since 1970 by the following journals: Revista Brasileira de Estudos Pedagogicos (Inep/MEC), Cadernos de Pesquisa (Fundacao Carlos Chagas), Educacao e Realidade (UFRS), Educacao e Sociedade (Cedes/Unicamp), Revista Brasileira de Educacao (ANPEd), Estudos em Avaliacao Educacional (Fundacao Carlos Chagas), and Ensaio (Fundacao Cesgranrio). Some bibliographical sources were consulted in the search for other studies. The text highlights the importance of theoretical perspectives for the outlining and development of the studies, which should be put in the context of a reflection on education and of problematization. It also points to the need for adjusting the choices of types of analyses used. The work discusses the weak Brazilian tradition of carrying out quantitative studies in education, and the possible role of quantification in educational research. It shows some contributions from quantitative studies to the reflection in the field of education, and also for the basis of some critical perspectives. Those contributions were treated according to some themes, namely: illiteracy, schooling path and school failure; school flux/cutoff analysis; literacy; policies and basic education; financing of education/municipalization; social factors and education; youth and education; educational evaluation; assorted themes.The article refers to studies in education carried out in Brazil during the last three decades using quantitative approaches. The selection of the works to be examined was based on a survey of all issues published since 1970 by the following journals: Revista Brasileira de Estudos Pedagogicos (Inep/MEC), Cadernos de Pesquisa (Fundacao Carlos Chagas), Educacao e Realidade (UFRS), Educacao e Sociedade (Cedes/Unicamp), Revista Brasileira de Educacao (ANPEd), Estudos em Avaliacao Educacional (Fundacao Carlos Chagas), and Ensaio (Fundacao Cesgranrio). Some bibliographical sources were consulted in the search for other studies. The text highlights the importance of theoretical perspectives for the outlining and development of the studies, which should be put in the context of a reflection on education and of problematization. It also points to the need for adjusting the choices of types of analyses used. The work discusses the weak Brazilian tradition of carrying out quantitative studies in education, and the possible role of quantification in educational research. It shows some contributions from quantitative studies to the reflection in the field of education, and also for the basis of some critical perspectives. Those contributions were treated according to some themes, namely: illiteracy, schooling path and school failure; school flux/cutoff analysis; literacy; policies and basic education; financing of education/municipalization; social factors and education; youth and education; educational evaluation; assorted themes.

Cadernos De Pesquisa | 2003


Bernardete A. Gatti

Mentores e implementadores de programas ou cursos de formacao continuada, que visam a mudancas em cognicoes e praticas, tem a concepcao de que, oferecendo conteudos e trabalhando a racionalidade dos profissionais, produzirao a partir do dominio de novos conhecimentos mudancas em posturas e formas de agir. Essa concepcao e muito limitada e nao corresponde ao que ocorre nesses processos formativos. Os conhecimentos sao incorporados ou nao, em funcao de complexos processos nao apenas cognitivos, mas socioafetivo e culturais. Essa e uma das razoes pelas quais tantos programas que visam a mudancas cognitivas, de praticas, de posturas, mostram-se inefetivos. O objetivo deste trabalho e analisar em que condicoes podem ocorrer mudancas profissionais e pessoais como resultado de um programa de formacao em servico de professores. Toma-se como caso-referencia um programa desenvolvido pelo Ministerio da Educacao - Proformacao -, que visa prover a formacao de docentes em exercicio em regioes menos desenvolvidas do pais, docentes estes que lecionam nas escolas de ensino fundamental (1a a 4a series) sem nenhuma formacao para o magisterio.

Cadernos De Pesquisa | 2005

Pesquisa, educação e pós-modernidade: confrontos e dilemas

Bernardete A. Gatti

Este artigo discute as contraposicoes de autores no que se refere a producao do conhecimento e sua disseminacao em contextos caracterizados como modernos ou pos-modernos, trazendo uma reflexao sobre questoes ligadas aos saberes e a pesquisa em educacao. Mostra que o emprego dos termos pos-modernidade e pos-moderno nao encontra consenso entre os que se preocupam com a compreensao do momento historico contemporâneo em suas diferentes manifestacoes. A posicao assumida nessa discussao e a de que se esta em transicao: nao se saiu totalmente das asas da modernidade e nem se esta integralmente em outra era. Discute-se, entao, a presenca, na reflexao e na pesquisa em educacao, de algumas perplexidades diante de movimentos sociais complexos que tem sido historicamente construidos, debatendo-se sobre o que conservar na educacao, que modismos evitar, quais valores, praticas e identidades sao, em principio, dignos de respeito e por que, entre tantas questoes. Mostra-se que a forma de tratar os problemas e analisa-los tem mudado. Num periodo de transicao, em que estruturacoes e desestruturacoes, normatizacoes e transgressoes imbricam-se dialeticamente, colocam-se desafios consideraveis a pesquisa em educacao, para que se compreenda a tessitura das relacoes no ensinar e no aprender, bem como a heterogeneidade contextual em que tais relacoes ocorrem.

Revista Brasileira de Educação | 2005

Formação de grupos e redes de intercâmbio em pesquisa educacional: dialogia e qualidade

Bernardete A. Gatti

Relata o processo de formacao de grupos e rede de intercâmbio, apoiado pelo Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq), Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos (FINEP), Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anisio Teixeira (INEP) e Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES), nos anos de 1981 a 1992, com vista a melhoria da qualidade da pesquisa educacional no pais, por meio do aperfeicoamento dos profissionais envolvidos, da permuta de informacoes e da realizacao de trabalhos de pesquisa em cooperacao, efetivado por uma rede sistematica de intercâmbio mediante o trabalho face a face por pesquisadores das varias instituicoes envolvidas, bem como pela assessoria a grupos emergentes por grupos mais solidamente estabelecidos na area. Analisa as consequencias positivas desse processo, em particular como reforco a alguns grupos de trabalho da ANPEd.

Revista Brasileira de Educação | 2001

Reflexªo sobre os desafios da pÛs-graduaÁªo: novas perspectivas sociais, conhecimento e poder

Bernardete A. Gatti

This article emphasises the differences between the historical moment in which postgraduate programmes (master and PhD) were created and the present one. It discusses the social role of these courses in the dichotomy knowledge x power and the dilemma faced by these programmes when urged by society to include innovative curricular modalities and to accept new student profiles in opposition to maintaining themselves as a field reserved for the chosen few. Based on considerations that the determinants of social inequalities include different opportunities of access to and appropriation of knowledge, the article poses a challenge to the present model of postgraduate studies: to revise its social role, values and curriculum in order to attend a different type of public, with diverse interests.

Cadernos De Pesquisa | 2012

Reconhecimento social e as políticas de carreira docente na educação básica

Bernardete A. Gatti

Partindo do conceito de “reconhecimento social” e da questao da formacao de “senso de injustica”, analisam-se politicas recentes relativas a carreira docente, por meio de documentos e acoes emergentes em nivel federal, estadual e municipal. A discussao de fundo e a valorizacao dos professores na realidade social e educacional do Brasil. Discutem-se planos de carreira e sua relacao com a vida profissional dos docentes em estados e municipios e com a qualidade da educacao. Conclui-se, por essas analises, que a questao do reconhecimento social desse profissional ainda sofre com os problemas evidenciados, o que explica o crescente senso de injustica que percorre a categoria. Verifica-se, no entanto, que ha um movimento nas diferentes esferas da gestao publica da educacao no sentido de se preocupar com os planos de carreira do magisterio, embora esse movimento ainda nao tenha abrangencia total e nao tenha mostrado ainda impactos efetivos.

Cadernos De Pesquisa | 2017

Didática e formação de professores: provocações

Bernardete A. Gatti

This article discusses the issues raised by research regarding teacher training and presents reflections about schooling demands nowadays. Based on this background, it addresses official documents that, from 2015, were formally drawn up to guide teacher training for basic education, specifically taking into consideration the new National Education Plan and the documents of the National Council of Education, namely: Report CNE/CP No. 2/2015 and Resolution No. 2/2015. This article examines the information contained in these documents in the field of Didactics.

Cadernos De Pesquisa | 2016

Referentes y criterios para la acción docente

Vandré Gomes da Silva; Patrícia Cristina Albieri de Almeida; Bernardete A. Gatti

The study presented in this article aimed to construct categorical parameters which could guide and ground initial or continuing teacher education. It also supports the monitoring and assessment of teaching from a training perspective. The study was supported by contributions of coordinators, teacher educators as well as experienced teachers working at various levels and areas. The guiding idea of the research was to deal with the proposed issues from the reality of work in schools to the construction of references about teaching, observed in its various aspects, in order to conceptualize the basic elements which distinguish it as a qualified professional activity. Teacher educaTion • Teacher sTandards • Professionalization of teaChing R e f e R e n c e s a n d c R it e R ia f o R t h e t e a c h in g a c t io n 2 8 8 C a d e r n o s d e P e s q u is a v .4 6 n .1 6 0 p .2 8 7 -3 13 a b r. /j u n . 2 0 16 he prospect of An increAsing professionAlizAtion of teAchers includes the recognition that certain types of knowledge are fundamental for teaching in formal education institutions. Accordingly, different knowledge of theoretical and practical order could, or should, be mobilized in different situations involving the teaching action, which demands from teachers not only reflection and adaption to their work context, but also autonomy. In general, this seems to be one of the characteristics strongly present in several countries which proposed – within their respective educational policies – what is commonly called teaching standards focused on the guidance, delimitation and evaluation of the education and performance of teachers (NOVAES, 2013). In addition to certain uses of the so-called teaching standards – some particularly controversial in countries such as Chile, the United States, the United Kingdom, among others –, the processes involved in their stipulation and discussion seem to encompass a wide formative potential. Even more so when one aims for initial and in-service specialized education able to inform the professional and public character of the teaching action. This article is a development of the work done by researchers of Fundação Carlos Chagas who, since 2012, have examined the relation between teacher evaluation and professional development and the appreciation of the work of teachers. In the face of the tensions and alternative perspectives associated with this theme, these studies have T the study presented in this article summarizes the results of research published in Textos FCC: Relatórios técnicos, n. 44, 2015. V a n d ré G o m e s d a S lva , P a ríc ia C rstin a A lb ie ri d e A lm e id a e B e rn a rd e te A n g e lin a G a ti C a d e r n o s d e P e s q u is a .4 6 n 16 0 p .2 8 7 -3 13 a b r/ju n . 2 0 16 2 8 9 sought to understand in greater detail where and how the so-called teaching standards are constructed, their purposes and some possible effects of these policies. Therefore, this study’s main objective was to research and construct category parameters – which here we call referentes de ação docente [references of the teaching action]1 – capable of guiding and grounding initial or continuing teacher education, as well as supporting and qualifying the monitoring of teaching – from an eminently formative perspective –, aimed at consolidating teaching professionalization. The starting point was the universe of the teaching work done in school education. Support for that came from the contribution of experienced teachers working at various levels and educational areas, educational coordinators, teacher educators, and educational specialists by means of operational discussion groups, as well as from the relevant theoretical framework which supports the assumptions used herein. Importantly, the objectives and the assumptions of this research differ from the general sense which usually guides many of the policies abroad, strongly aimed at institutionalizing models of external teacher evaluation amid different designs and methodologies for measuring, among other intentions and goals. Indeed, although one can find many points in common in the definition of what can be encompassed in teacher education and the teaching action in general, the teacher assessments promoted by various countries differ considerably in terms of objectives, purposes, evaluation procedures, and types of effects or consequences on their education professionals and the school units where they work (TORRECILLA, 2006). Thus, the object or purpose of this research was not to address the theme of teacher evaluation – among its various theoretical frameworks and methodologies of measurement of teacher performance –, but, rather, to highlight the formative aspect comprised in what is characteristic of the teaching action in the school environment and of the different types of knowledge that inform, guide and occasionally determine the quality of this action. The national context of the offer of undergraduate courses in higher education institutions – marked, according to Gatti and Barretto (2009, p. 252), by the absence of a “clear professional profile of the teacher” – indicates the relevance of investigating and delimiting more objectively what knowledge on the teaching action could fill this gap or at least stimulate debate on the teaching action in a more assertive and delimited way, in an effort “to build a body of basic knowledge which allows taking discussions on this topic to a level beyond that of opinions” (GATTI, 2013, p. 1). The text is organized into three parts, and the introduction. First, we discuss some theoretical assumptions that underpin the 1 the choice of the term referentes de ação docente [references of the teaching action] is aimed at distancing our proposal from certain interpretations that could be associated with the Portuguese term padrões [standards], as a model or example to be followed. not infrequently, standards are guided and stipulated amid external evaluation processes, which is quite different from addressing what would characterize the teaching action within research and taking into account the specificities of the educational context in brazil. accordingly, what we propose and call references of the teaching action are criteria by which we can understand and evaluate, from an eminently formative perspective, different types of activities that compose and inform the work of teachers; they are not tools by means of which one can determine how teaching activities should be executed and founded. R e f e R e n c e s a n d c R it e R ia f o R t h e t e a c h in g a c t io n 2 9 0 C a d e r n o s d e P e s q u is a v .4 6 n .1 6 0 p .2 8 7 -3 13 a b r. /j u n . 2 0 16 research, with special emphasis on the characterization of teaching as a distinctive element of the professional teaching action; then we present the methodology of the operational discussion groups and a summary of the methodological details of the stages of field research and validation of references. Finally, we describe the framework of the references of the teaching action stipulated. the teaCher as an institutional teaChing agent Amid the growing recognition and appreciation of the professional nature of the teaching work, some questions emerge: what characterizes and distinguishes the teacher’s action? How do the recognition and appreciation of the teaching work affect research on the types of knowledge and practical skills which constitute and inform teachers’ professional practice? Such questions, in themselves provocative, denote the complexity and specificity of the teaching action. The different functions or utility which can be attributed to school – and, consequently, to the work done by teachers – should not obscure or underestimate what characterizes a school culture (AZANHA, 1995). Regardless of what it leads to in public life or in the private sphere of individuals, school education has something specific and characteristic which informs the formative sense of its pedagogical practices. It is evident that the possible “impact” or “effect” of school education can be analyzed and valued from many points of view, since the work of schools and teachers is undeniably a matter of public interest. However, this perspective allows understanding the school only by its extrinsic ends (PETERS, 1979), which are different from the objectives inherent to an education considered in its intrinsic ends. The various angles from which one can describe and analyze education – and, consequently, teacher performance – reach the limits determined by the object itself – in this case, the school institution and the type of work done in it under specific conditions. As noted by Peters (1979, p. 103): [...] What would be objectionable would be to suppose that certain characteristics could be regarded as essential irrespective of context and of the questions under discussion. in the context of the planning of resources it may be unobjectionable to think of education as something in which a community can invest; in the context of a theory of social cohesion, education may be harmlessly described as a socializing process. but, if one is considering it from the point of view of the teacher’s task in the class-room, these descriptions are both too general and too embedded in a dangerous dimension, V a n d ré G o m e s d a S lva , P a ríc ia C rstin a A lb ie ri d e A lm e id a e B e rn a rd e te A n g e lin a G a ti C a d e r n o s d e P e s q u is a .4 6 n 16 0 p .2 8 7 -3 13 a b r/ju n . 2 0 16 2 9 1 for they encourage a conformist or instrumental way of looking atO estudo apresentado neste artigo teve por objetivo a construcao de parâmetros categoriais que pudessem nortear e fundamentar processos de formacao inicial ou continuada de professores, bem como apoiar o acompanhamento e a avaliacao da acao docente em uma perspectiva formativa. O suporte para tanto veio da contribuicao de professores atuantes em varios niveis e areas, alem de coordenadores pedagogicos e de formadores de professores de cursos de licenciatura. A ideia norteadora da investigacao foi encaminhar a problematica proposta a partir da realidade do trabalho nas escolas para a consubstanciacao de referentes sobre a acao docente observada em seus varios aspectos, a fim de conceituar os elementos basicos que a distinguem como uma atuacao profissional qualificada.

Cadernos De Pesquisa | 2016

Referentes e critérios para a ação docente

Vandré Gomes da Silva; Patrícia Cristina Albieri de Almeida; Bernardete A. Gatti

The study presented in this article aimed to construct categorical parameters which could guide and ground initial or continuing teacher education. It also supports the monitoring and assessment of teaching from a training perspective. The study was supported by contributions of coordinators, teacher educators as well as experienced teachers working at various levels and areas. The guiding idea of the research was to deal with the proposed issues from the reality of work in schools to the construction of references about teaching, observed in its various aspects, in order to conceptualize the basic elements which distinguish it as a qualified professional activity. Teacher educaTion • Teacher sTandards • Professionalization of teaChing R e f e R e n c e s a n d c R it e R ia f o R t h e t e a c h in g a c t io n 2 8 8 C a d e r n o s d e P e s q u is a v .4 6 n .1 6 0 p .2 8 7 -3 13 a b r. /j u n . 2 0 16 he prospect of An increAsing professionAlizAtion of teAchers includes the recognition that certain types of knowledge are fundamental for teaching in formal education institutions. Accordingly, different knowledge of theoretical and practical order could, or should, be mobilized in different situations involving the teaching action, which demands from teachers not only reflection and adaption to their work context, but also autonomy. In general, this seems to be one of the characteristics strongly present in several countries which proposed – within their respective educational policies – what is commonly called teaching standards focused on the guidance, delimitation and evaluation of the education and performance of teachers (NOVAES, 2013). In addition to certain uses of the so-called teaching standards – some particularly controversial in countries such as Chile, the United States, the United Kingdom, among others –, the processes involved in their stipulation and discussion seem to encompass a wide formative potential. Even more so when one aims for initial and in-service specialized education able to inform the professional and public character of the teaching action. This article is a development of the work done by researchers of Fundação Carlos Chagas who, since 2012, have examined the relation between teacher evaluation and professional development and the appreciation of the work of teachers. In the face of the tensions and alternative perspectives associated with this theme, these studies have T the study presented in this article summarizes the results of research published in Textos FCC: Relatórios técnicos, n. 44, 2015. V a n d ré G o m e s d a S lva , P a ríc ia C rstin a A lb ie ri d e A lm e id a e B e rn a rd e te A n g e lin a G a ti C a d e r n o s d e P e s q u is a .4 6 n 16 0 p .2 8 7 -3 13 a b r/ju n . 2 0 16 2 8 9 sought to understand in greater detail where and how the so-called teaching standards are constructed, their purposes and some possible effects of these policies. Therefore, this study’s main objective was to research and construct category parameters – which here we call referentes de ação docente [references of the teaching action]1 – capable of guiding and grounding initial or continuing teacher education, as well as supporting and qualifying the monitoring of teaching – from an eminently formative perspective –, aimed at consolidating teaching professionalization. The starting point was the universe of the teaching work done in school education. Support for that came from the contribution of experienced teachers working at various levels and educational areas, educational coordinators, teacher educators, and educational specialists by means of operational discussion groups, as well as from the relevant theoretical framework which supports the assumptions used herein. Importantly, the objectives and the assumptions of this research differ from the general sense which usually guides many of the policies abroad, strongly aimed at institutionalizing models of external teacher evaluation amid different designs and methodologies for measuring, among other intentions and goals. Indeed, although one can find many points in common in the definition of what can be encompassed in teacher education and the teaching action in general, the teacher assessments promoted by various countries differ considerably in terms of objectives, purposes, evaluation procedures, and types of effects or consequences on their education professionals and the school units where they work (TORRECILLA, 2006). Thus, the object or purpose of this research was not to address the theme of teacher evaluation – among its various theoretical frameworks and methodologies of measurement of teacher performance –, but, rather, to highlight the formative aspect comprised in what is characteristic of the teaching action in the school environment and of the different types of knowledge that inform, guide and occasionally determine the quality of this action. The national context of the offer of undergraduate courses in higher education institutions – marked, according to Gatti and Barretto (2009, p. 252), by the absence of a “clear professional profile of the teacher” – indicates the relevance of investigating and delimiting more objectively what knowledge on the teaching action could fill this gap or at least stimulate debate on the teaching action in a more assertive and delimited way, in an effort “to build a body of basic knowledge which allows taking discussions on this topic to a level beyond that of opinions” (GATTI, 2013, p. 1). The text is organized into three parts, and the introduction. First, we discuss some theoretical assumptions that underpin the 1 the choice of the term referentes de ação docente [references of the teaching action] is aimed at distancing our proposal from certain interpretations that could be associated with the Portuguese term padrões [standards], as a model or example to be followed. not infrequently, standards are guided and stipulated amid external evaluation processes, which is quite different from addressing what would characterize the teaching action within research and taking into account the specificities of the educational context in brazil. accordingly, what we propose and call references of the teaching action are criteria by which we can understand and evaluate, from an eminently formative perspective, different types of activities that compose and inform the work of teachers; they are not tools by means of which one can determine how teaching activities should be executed and founded. R e f e R e n c e s a n d c R it e R ia f o R t h e t e a c h in g a c t io n 2 9 0 C a d e r n o s d e P e s q u is a v .4 6 n .1 6 0 p .2 8 7 -3 13 a b r. /j u n . 2 0 16 research, with special emphasis on the characterization of teaching as a distinctive element of the professional teaching action; then we present the methodology of the operational discussion groups and a summary of the methodological details of the stages of field research and validation of references. Finally, we describe the framework of the references of the teaching action stipulated. the teaCher as an institutional teaChing agent Amid the growing recognition and appreciation of the professional nature of the teaching work, some questions emerge: what characterizes and distinguishes the teacher’s action? How do the recognition and appreciation of the teaching work affect research on the types of knowledge and practical skills which constitute and inform teachers’ professional practice? Such questions, in themselves provocative, denote the complexity and specificity of the teaching action. The different functions or utility which can be attributed to school – and, consequently, to the work done by teachers – should not obscure or underestimate what characterizes a school culture (AZANHA, 1995). Regardless of what it leads to in public life or in the private sphere of individuals, school education has something specific and characteristic which informs the formative sense of its pedagogical practices. It is evident that the possible “impact” or “effect” of school education can be analyzed and valued from many points of view, since the work of schools and teachers is undeniably a matter of public interest. However, this perspective allows understanding the school only by its extrinsic ends (PETERS, 1979), which are different from the objectives inherent to an education considered in its intrinsic ends. The various angles from which one can describe and analyze education – and, consequently, teacher performance – reach the limits determined by the object itself – in this case, the school institution and the type of work done in it under specific conditions. As noted by Peters (1979, p. 103): [...] What would be objectionable would be to suppose that certain characteristics could be regarded as essential irrespective of context and of the questions under discussion. in the context of the planning of resources it may be unobjectionable to think of education as something in which a community can invest; in the context of a theory of social cohesion, education may be harmlessly described as a socializing process. but, if one is considering it from the point of view of the teacher’s task in the class-room, these descriptions are both too general and too embedded in a dangerous dimension, V a n d ré G o m e s d a S lva , P a ríc ia C rstin a A lb ie ri d e A lm e id a e B e rn a rd e te A n g e lin a G a ti C a d e r n o s d e P e s q u is a .4 6 n 16 0 p .2 8 7 -3 13 a b r/ju n . 2 0 16 2 9 1 for they encourage a conformist or instrumental way of looking atO estudo apresentado neste artigo teve por objetivo a construcao de parâmetros categoriais que pudessem nortear e fundamentar processos de formacao inicial ou continuada de professores, bem como apoiar o acompanhamento e a avaliacao da acao docente em uma perspectiva formativa. O suporte para tanto veio da contribuicao de professores atuantes em varios niveis e areas, alem de coordenadores pedagogicos e de formadores de professores de cursos de licenciatura. A ideia norteadora da investigacao foi encaminhar a problematica proposta a partir da realidade do trabalho nas escolas para a consubstanciacao de referentes sobre a acao docente observada em seus varios aspectos, a fim de conceituar os elementos basicos que a distinguem como uma atuacao profissional qualificada.


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Osmar Fávero

Federal Fluminense University

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Maria Malta Campos

Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo

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Vera Maria Ferrão Candau

Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro

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Alejandra Birgin

University of Buenos Aires

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