Claudia Benedita dos Santos
University of São Paulo
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Featured researches published by Claudia Benedita dos Santos.
Texto & Contexto Enfermagem | 2011
Renata Karina Reis; Claudia Benedita dos Santos; Rosana Aparecida Spadoti Dantas; Elucir Gir
Estudo transversal realizado em dois servicos publicos de saude de um municipio paulista com objetivo de avaliar a Qualidade de Vida de individuos com HIV/aids e sua relacao com fatores sociodemograficos e referentes a sexualidade, utilizando-se o HIV/aids Targeted Quality of Life. Dos 228 participantes, 122 sao homens e 106 mulheres, com idade media de 39 anos. Diferentes variaveis estiveram associadas com piores escores de qualidade de vida tais como as categorias ser analfabeto, menor escolaridade e nao ter renda ou vinculo empregaticio. Com referencia as variaveis relacionadas a sexualidade, os piores escores de qualidade de vida estiveram associados com nao ter vida sexual ativa e ter parceiro com HIV/aids. Viver com o HIV/aids repercute em varios dominios da qualidade de vida, requerendo para a sua avaliacao e intervencao, melhor conhecimento e compreensao das diferentes variaveis que podem ter impacto negativo na qualidade de vida destes individuos.This cross-sectional study aimed to assess the quality of life of Brazilian HIV/AIDS carriers in a county in Sao Paulo and its association with socio-demographic variables and sexuality-related factors, using HIV/Aids Targeted Quality of Life (HATQoL). Of the 228 participants, 122 were men and 106 women, with an average age of 39 years. Different variables were associated to worse qualities of life, such as illiteracy, lower educational levels, and having no income or formal job. Concerning the variables related to sexuality, the worst QoL scores were associated to not having an active sexual life and having a partner with HIV/Aids. Living with HIV/Aids influences several domains of quality of life, requiring greater knowledge and comprehension of the different variables that can negatively influence the QoL of these individuals for a better care evaluation and delivery.
Nurse Education Today | 2012
Ariane De Freitas Cardoso; Lucimara Moreli; Fernanda Titareli Merizio Martins Braga; Christiane Inocêncio Vasques; Claudia Benedita dos Santos; Emilia Campos de Carvalho
BACKGROUND Handling Totally Implantable Access Ports (TIAP) is a nursing procedure that requires skill and knowledge to avoid adverse events. No studies addressing this procedure with undergraduate students were identified prior to this study. Communication technologies, such as videos, have been increasingly adopted in the teaching of nursing and have contributed to the acquisition of competencies for clinical performance. OBJECTIVE To evaluate the effect of a video on the puncture and heparinization of TIAP in the development of cognitive and technical competencies of undergraduate nursing students. METHOD Quasi-experimental study with a pretest-posttest design. RESULTS 24 individuals participated in the study. Anxiety scores were kept at levels 1 and 2 in the pretest and posttest. In relation to cognitive knowledge concerning the procedure, the proportion of correct answers in the pretest was 0.14 (SD=0.12) and 0.90 in the posttest (SD=0.05). After watching the video, the average score obtained by the participants in the mock session was 27.20. CONCLUSION The use of an educational video with a simulation of puncture and heparinization of TIAP proved to be a strategy that increased both cognitive and technical knowledge. This strategy is viable in the teaching-learning process and is useful as a support tool for professors and for the development of undergraduate nursing students.
Ciencia & Saude Coletiva | 2011
Paula Hino; Tarcísio Neves da Cunha; Tereza Cristina Scatena Villa; Claudia Benedita dos Santos
The World Health Organization estimates that one third of the world population is infected by the Mycobacterium tuberculosis, while 8-9 million of people develop the disease and 2 million die each year due to tuberculosis, especially in countries and regions with precarious socioeconomic conditions. This study describes the profile of new cases of Tuberculosis notified in Ribeirao Preto, Sao Paulo State, in the period between 2000 and 2006. A cohort descriptive design was used. The database Epi-Tb was used for the data collection. The clinical form predominant was pulmonary. It was verified that 71.7% of patients were male and young adults (20-39 years). Regarding the type of supervision, it was observed that the supervised form presented a progressive increase along the period considered, with exception of 2003. The Tb/HIV co-infection was superior to 25%, while 12.9% of the patients performed the test. Regarding the treatment result, cure varied from 62.7% to 76.7%, the abandonment mean was 4.3% and death by tuberculosis was 3.9%. The results presented contribute for the knowledge of the tuberculosis epidemiological situation along the years studied, providing support to decision making related to prevention actions and control of the disease in the municipality.
Revista Latino-americana De Enfermagem | 2011
Renata Karina Reis; Vanderley José Haas; Claudia Benedita dos Santos; Sheila Araújo Teles; Marli Teresinha Gimenez Galvão; Elucir Gir
Se trata de un estudio de corte transversal realizado en 228 personas viviendo con HIV/Sida en un municipio del estado de Sao Paulo, durante 2007 y 2008. Los objetivos fueron investigar la intensidad de los sintomas de depresion en individuos con HIV/Sida atendidos en dos unidades de referencia en Ribeirao Preto, SP, y comparar la calidad de vida con los diferentes grados de intensidad de los sintomas de depresion en esos individuos, segun el genero. Los datos fueron recolectados por medio de entrevistas individuales, utilizando el Inventario de Depresion de Beck y HIV/AIDS Targeted Quality of Life (HATQoL). Se detectaron 63 (27,6%) individuos con sintomas de depresion (leve, moderado y grave). Las mujeres presentaron sintomas de intensidad mas grave de depresion que los hombres. Individuos con sintomas depresivos presentaron menores puntajes de calidad de vida que individuos con ausencia de esos sintomas, con diferencias estadisticamente significativas entre los valores medios/medianos en la mayoria de los dominios del HATQoL. Los profesionales de la salud deben ofrecer asistencia integral a las personas con HIV/Sida, valorizando los sintomas depresivos.This is a cross-sectional study conducted with 228 people living with HIV/AIDS in a municipality in the State of São Paulo during 2007 and 2008. The aims of this study were to investigate the intensity of the depressive symptoms in individuals with HIV/AIDS treated at two referral units in Ribeirão Preto, Brazil, and to compare the quality of life with the different degrees of intensity of the depressive symptoms in these individuals, according to gender. Data were collected through individual interviews, using the Beck Depression Inventory and HIV/AIDS Targeted Quality of Life (HATQoL). A total of 63 (27.6%) patients with symptoms of depression (mild, moderate and severe) were detected. The women presented more severe symptoms of intensity of depression than men. Individuals with depressive symptoms presented lower scores of quality of life than individuals without these symptoms, with statistically significant differences between the means/medians in most domains of the HATQoL. Healthcare professionals should offer integral care for people with HIV/AIDS, emphasizing the depressive symptoms.
Revista De Psiquiatria Do Rio Grande Do Sul | 2007
Ana Cláudia Garabeli Cavalli Kluthcovsky; Angela Maria Magosso Takayanagui; Claudia Benedita dos Santos; Fábio Aragão Kluthcovsky
OBJECTIVE: This study aimed at evaluating the relative contribution of each life quality domain (physical, psychological, social relationships and environment) and of sociodemographic variables to overall quality of life of community health agents from a municipality located in the State of Parana, Brazil. METHODS: A descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out using a quantitative approach. The sample was composed of 169 agents (86.2% of the total). The World Health Organization Quality of Life Instrument Bref was used as a generic instrument to evaluate quality of life. Correlation tests and multivariate linear regression were used, considering a significance level of 5%. RESULTS: None of the sociodemographic variables significantly interfered with overall quality of life. Among the four domains, the physical domain contributed the most to overall quality of life, followed by the psychological and environment domains, all of them accounting for 47.9% of variance. The domain of social relationships did not show significant contribution to overall quality of life. CONCLUSION: It was observed that variance of overall quality of life was not completely explained by sociodemographic variables neither by quality of life domains. Thus, more attention should be given by researchers to different forms of understanding quality of life, especially research methods and interdisciplinary evaluation.
Revista Latino-americana De Enfermagem | 2010
Margareth Yuri Miyazaki; Maria Helena Larcher Caliri; Claudia Benedita dos Santos
O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever e analisar o conhecimento dos membros da equipe de enfermagem que atuam diretamente na assistencia a pacientes adultos e idosos, em um hospital universitario, sobre a prevencao da ulcera por pressao. Trata-se de estudo descritivo-exploratorio, realizado entre janeiro e marco de 2009, aprovado pelo Comite de Etica em Pesquisa da instituicao. Os dados foram coletados por meio de um questionario validado. Participaram deste estudo 386 individuos, 64,8% eram auxiliares/tecnicos de enfermagem e 35,2%, enfermeiros. Ve-se, pelos resultados, que a porcentagem media de acertos no teste de conhecimento foi de 79,4% (dp=8,3%) para os enfermeiros e 73,6% (dp=9,8%) para os auxiliares/tecnicos de enfermagem. Conclui-se que ambas as categorias de profissionais apresentam deficits de conhecimento em algumas areas referentes ao tema. A identificacao das areas deficientes pode nortear o planejamento de estrategias para disseminacao e para adocao de medidas preventivas pela equipe.This study aimed to describe and to analyze knowledge on pressure ulcer prevention among nursing team members working in direct care to adult and elderly patients at a university hospital. A descriptive and exploratory research was carried out between January and March 2009, after approval by the Research Ethics Committee at the study institution. Data were collected through a validated questionnaire. Participants were 386 professionals, of whom 64.8% were nursing auxiliaries/technicians and 35.2% baccalaureate nurses (BSN). The mean percentage of correct answers on the knowledge test was 79.4% (SD=8.3%) for nurses and 73.6% (SD=9.8%) for nursing auxiliaries/technicians. Both professional categories display knowledge deficits in some areas related to the theme. The identification of deficient areas can guide strategic planning with a view to the dissemination and adoption of prevention measures by the team.
Revista Brasileira de Saúde Materno Infantil | 2008
Cristina Ide Fujinaga; Carmen Gracinda Silvan Scochi; Claudia Benedita dos Santos; Nelma Ellen Zamberlan; Adriana Moraes Leite
OBJECTIVES: to produce and validate the content and appearance of a tool for evaluating the readiness of preterm infants to begin the transition from gastric to oral feeding. METHODS: for the validation of the tool and accompanying instructions, the authors established a minimum percentage agreement of 85% among the 15 peers who participated in the study, all of them speech therapists with broad experience in the area of neonatology. RESULTS: the validated tool and accompanying instructions contained the following items: corrected gestational age, state of behavioral organization (state of consciousness, overall posture and overall muscle tone), oral posture (lips and tongue), oral reflexes (rooting, sucking, biting and gagging) and non-nutritive sucking (tongue movements, cupped tongue configuration, jaw movements, sucking force, sucking pause, maintaining the rhythm sucking and pause, maintaining an alert state and signs of stress). CONCLUSIONS: the tool and accompanying instructions aim to systematize the evaluation of preterm infants, beginning with the transition from gastric to oral feeding. Clinical validation is necessary before they can be used in neonatal wards.
Revista Brasileira De Epidemiologia | 2004
Maria José Bistafa Pereira; Márcia Cristina Guerreiro dos Reis; Ana Márcia Spanó Nakano; Claudia Benedita dos Santos; Maria Renata G. Bellizzi Villela; Mirela C.P. Lourenço
O estudo objetiva identificar a situacao do Aleitamento Materno utilizando os indicadores propostos pela OMS (1991), em criancas menores de 1 ano que compareceram a segunda etapa da campanha nacional de vacinacao em 1999, no municipio de Ribeirao Preto, SP. Do total de 7.894 criancas menores de 1 ano que compareceram a campanha de vacinacao, fizeram parte da amostra estudada 1.715 criancas (21,7%). Destas, 951 (55,5%) receberam leite materno nas ultimas 24 horas. Para o grupo menores de 4 meses (554 criancas) obtivemos os indices de 104 (18,8%) em Aleitamento Materno Exclusivo; 223 (40,3%) em Aleitamento Materno Predominante; 327 (59%) em Aleitamento Materno Completo; e 471 (85%) em Aleitamento Materno. A utilizacao de outro leite associado ao leite materno foi verificada em 144 (26%) das criancas menores de 4 meses e em 268 (31,5%) das criancas menores de 6 meses. A duracao media do aleitamento materno para o municipio foi de 6 meses. A metodologia possibilitou comparacao dos dados com aqueles obtidos para o Estado de Sao Paulo e forneceu subsidios para redirecionar e planejar acoes em aleitamento materno.
Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da Usp | 2006
Luzia Elaine Galdeano; Lídia Aparecida Rossi; Claudia Benedita dos Santos; Rosana Aparecida Spadoti Dantas
This study identified the nursing diagnoses of patients in the perioperative period of cardiac surgeries and verified the existence or not of agreement between the first author and other nurses in the identification of these diagnoses. Seventeen patients admitted for cardiac surgery were submitted to evaluation using instruments for the perioperative period. In the preoperative, out of the 9 diagnosis categories identified by the first author, three agreed with the nurses (example: Activity intolerance). In the trans-operative, seven categories showed agreement among the nurses and the first author (example: Risk for infection). In the post-operative, 11 categories showed agreement among the nurses and the first author (example: Risk for peripheral neurovascular dysfunction).This study identified the nursing diagnoses of patients in the perioperative period of cardiac surgeries and verified the existence or not of agreement between the first author and other nurses in the identification of these diagnoses. Seventeen patients admitted for cardiac surgery were submitted to evaluation using instruments for the perioperative period. In the pre-operative, out of the 9 diagnosis categories identified by the first author, three agreed with the nurses (example: Activity intolerance). In the trans-operative, seven categories showed agreement among the nurses and the first author (example: Risk for infection). In the post-operative, 11 categories showed agreement among the nurses and the first author (example: Risk for peripheral neurovascular dysfunction).
Revista Latino-americana De Enfermagem | 2003
Kattia Ochoa-Vigo; Ana Emilia Pace; Claudia Benedita dos Santos
This is a retrospective longitudinal study conducted in a Specialized Unit in the interior of Brazil. It aimed at verifying differences in nursing records with regard to how to document the care provided to patients in three periods related to the implementation of the Nursing process. Data were collected from 20% of the records of patients aged over 15 years who were randomly selected according to proportional distribution. Such data were fully transcribed in an instrument constructed for this purpose and classified according to the proposals of the referential. The Binomial Test was used for analysis with a significance level of 0.05%. The results showed a tendency to improvement of the records as to writing intellection and complete description of the signs/symptoms in the second period. It was concluded that there was a difference between the initial and the pre-implementation periods, which expresses the need to review the way the Nursing Process must be developed as a responsibility of the whole nursing team.Estudo retrospectivo longitudinal, realizado em unidade especializada do interior do Brasil, teve como objetivo verificar as diferencas dos registros de enfermagem quanto ao modo de documentar a assistencia oferecida ao paciente, em tres periodos relacionados com a implementacao do Processo de Enfermagem. Coletaram-se os dados em 20% dos prontuarios de pacientes acima de15 anos, selecionados aleatoriamente, segundo distribuicao proporcional, que foram transcritos integralmente, no instrumento construido para essa finalidade, e classificados a partir das propostas do referencial. Para a analise, utilizou-se o Teste Binomial a 0,05% de significância. Nos resultados, observou-se tendencia para melhoria nos registros quanto a inteleccao da escrita e descricao completa de sinais/sintomas no segundo periodo. Concluiu-se que houve diferenca entre os periodos inicial e de pre-implementacao, fato que expressa necessidade de rever o modo de desenvolver-se o Processo de Enfermagem como responsabilidade de toda a equipe de enfermagem.