Luciana de Lione Melo
State University of Campinas
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Featured researches published by Luciana de Lione Melo.
Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da Usp | 2010
Luciana de Lione Melo; Elizabeth Ranier Martins do Valle
A proposta deste estudo e desvelar o sentido de Ser-crianca com câncer em tratamento ambulatorial, utilizando a brinquedo-teca como possibilidade de favorecer a expressao, pela crianca, de seu mundo cotidiano. Participaram sete criancas entre tres e nove anos, com diagnostico de algum tipo de câncer infantil. A fim de desvelar o sentido das vivencias das criancas com câncer, foi realizada uma analise a luz da fenomenologia existencial de Martin Heidegger. A crianca-com-câncer configurou-se como um ir e vir permeado ora pela autenticidade, quando a crianca assumia sua doenca e seu ser-para-a-morte, ora pela inautenticidade, quando se deixava levar pelo modo de ser da decadencia dos familiares e da equipe de saude. O brincar pode favorecer um rico acesso as vivencias da crianca gravemente doente.The purpose of this study is to learn the meaning of being-a-child with cancer submitted to ambulatory treatment and using the toy library as a possibility to enable their expression about their world. Participants were seven children of ages 3 to 9 years, who had been diagnosed with some kind of childhood cancer. With the objective of learning about the meaning of these experiences to children with cancer, an analysis of these data was performed based on Martin Heideggers existential phenomenology. The child-with-cancer showed a movement that was permeated sometimes by authenticity, when the child assumed the disease and their being-toward-death and also by the lack of authenticity, when they were influenced by the decadence attitude of their relatives and health team members. Playing provided a rich contact with the existence of these severely ill children.
Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da Usp | 2010
Luciana de Lione Melo; Elizabeth Ranier Martins do Valle
A proposta deste estudo e desvelar o sentido de Ser-crianca com câncer em tratamento ambulatorial, utilizando a brinquedo-teca como possibilidade de favorecer a expressao, pela crianca, de seu mundo cotidiano. Participaram sete criancas entre tres e nove anos, com diagnostico de algum tipo de câncer infantil. A fim de desvelar o sentido das vivencias das criancas com câncer, foi realizada uma analise a luz da fenomenologia existencial de Martin Heidegger. A crianca-com-câncer configurou-se como um ir e vir permeado ora pela autenticidade, quando a crianca assumia sua doenca e seu ser-para-a-morte, ora pela inautenticidade, quando se deixava levar pelo modo de ser da decadencia dos familiares e da equipe de saude. O brincar pode favorecer um rico acesso as vivencias da crianca gravemente doente.The purpose of this study is to learn the meaning of being-a-child with cancer submitted to ambulatory treatment and using the toy library as a possibility to enable their expression about their world. Participants were seven children of ages 3 to 9 years, who had been diagnosed with some kind of childhood cancer. With the objective of learning about the meaning of these experiences to children with cancer, an analysis of these data was performed based on Martin Heideggers existential phenomenology. The child-with-cancer showed a movement that was permeated sometimes by authenticity, when the child assumed the disease and their being-toward-death and also by the lack of authenticity, when they were influenced by the decadence attitude of their relatives and health team members. Playing provided a rich contact with the existence of these severely ill children.
Revista Brasileira De Hematologia E Hemoterapia | 2010
Carmen Cunha Mello Rodrigues; Izilda Esmenia Muglia Araujo; Luciana de Lione Melo
This critical literature review aims at demonstrating the state of the art of a thematic family with a sickle cell disease child and the nursing team. The PubMed, Lilacs, SciELO, and BDENF databases were searched using the key words: sickle cell anaemia, nursing, family and child. Eleven articles were selected and the important points in respect to the quanti-qualitative aspects of the studies are described. A referential analysis of the content was performed which identified the following themes: scientific knowledge, nursing care and education. The necessity of specific knowledge about sickle cell disease was demonstrated: this is important for nursing care to be effective and contribute to a better quality of life and so that the survival of these children is prolonged. It is worth noting that the Brazilian production on sickle cell disease, in general, is scarce and incipient in particular in respect to studies about the family with a sickle cell disease child and nursing team
Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da Usp | 2007
Franca Pellison; Márcia Mitie Nagumo; Elizabeth Sousa da Cunha; Luciana de Lione Melo
The purpose of this case study was to apply nursing diagnoses and interventions based on the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA) Taxonomy of Nursing Diagnoses and the Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) on an adolescent with secondary mellitus to cystic fibrosis and on her caretaker in order to provide them full care and guidelines. The nursing interventions were based on the following diagnoses: ineffective confrontation and stress syndrome due to alterations. These references helped us develop effective nursing interventions that provided a framework for individualized care, in addition to promoting a standardized nursing language.O objetivo deste estudo de caso foi aplicar o processo de enfermagem fundamentado nos Padroes Funcionais de Saude, NANDA e NIC para uma adolescente portadora de diabetes mellitus secundario a fibrose cistica e seu cuidador, visando ao cuidado integral. As intervencoes de enfermagem foram fundamentadas nos seguintes diagnosticos de enfermagem: enfrentamento ineficaz e sindrome de estresse por mudanca. A utilizacao desses referenciais possibilitou-nos o desenvolvimento de intervencoes de enfermagem efetivas proporcionando um cuidado individualizado, alem de promover uma linguagem de enfermagem padronizada.
Revista Brasileira De Enfermagem | 2000
Luciana de Lione Melo; Maria Alice Dias da Silva Lima
O proposito do artigo e relatar a experiencia das autoras ao coordenar um grupo de gestantes, que teve a finalidade de esclarecer algumas duvidas sobre o periodo gestacional, cuidados com o recem-nascido e anticoncepcao. Aborda as percepcoes e sentimentos das gestantes a respeito do tema sexualidade e aspectos psicologicos da gravidez. As alteracoes psicologicas apresentadas pelas gestantes no segundo e terceiro trimestres da gravidez evidenciam a importância da funcao educadora da enfermeira no trabalho com grupos.
Revista Brasileira De Enfermagem | 1999
Carmen Gracinda Silvan Scochi; Débora Falleiros de Mello; Luciana de Lione Melo; Maria Aparecida Munhoz Gaíva
El objetivo de este trabajo es hacer una reflexion sobre la asistencia a los padres de ninos prematuros cuyo peso fue bajo al nacer. Dicha atencion a los padres se da en las unidades neonatales, con base en datos de la literatura y en experiencias practicas de las autoras. Aunque el derecho materno de permanecer junto al hijo este asegurado por ley, la gran mayoria de las unidades de cuidados neonatales tienen unos horarios de visita bastante restrictos. Sin embargo, otros servicios liberan totalmente la permanencia de la madre en estas unidades, y ademas, existe la duda y se discute si seria conveniente tal envolvimiento efectivo de los padres respecto a los cuidados con el hijo. En la asistencia de enfermeria, las autoras sugieren estrategias de intervencion que visen la adaptacion de los padres a la nueva situacion y al fortalecimiento del vinculo entre los padres y el bebe. Entre ellas destacamos: el libre acceso de los padres a la unidad; incentivo al contacto fisico precoz entre padres e hijo; implementacion de grupos de apoyo involucrando el equipo multiprofesional y padres de bebes en diferentes etapas de evolucion clinica; incentivo a la lactancia materna y a que practiquen cuidados directamente al hijo; desarrollo de redes de apoyo formal e informal dirigidas a los padres durante la hospitalizacion del hijo y despues de la salida del hospital.
Revista Brasileira De Enfermagem | 1995
Luciana de Lione Melo; Elizabeth Ranier Martins do Valle
Este trabalho se propoe a desvelar facetas do oferecimento de apoio emocional a crianca com câncer e a sua familia pela equipe de enfermagem. Para tanto, utilizou-se metodologia qualitativa que possibilitasse uma analise compreensiva dos depoimentos da equipe de enfermagem que vivencia esta situacao. As convergencias dessas falas sao analisadas e possibilitam a identificacao de algumas unidades de significado que podem contribuir com subsidios para nortear o oferecimento de apoio emocional pela equipe de enfemiagem.
Texto & Contexto Enfermagem | 2015
Marileise Roberta Antoneli Fonseca; Claudinei José Gomes Campos; Circéa Amália Ribeiro; Vanessa Pellegrino Toledo; Luciana de Lione Melo
This study aimed to understand the play of the preschool child undergoing oncological treatment through dramatic therapeutic play. A total of five preschool age children with cancer participated in the dramatic therapeutic play sessions, between January and May 2013. The material was analyzed using the framework of phenomenology: analysis of the structure of the phenomenon in place. The following categories emerged from the sessions: Immersing oneself in the world of the disease and the oncological treatment; and Remembering the world without the disease. The study learned that becoming ill with cancer is a process which generates pain and suffering for the child, leading her to feel small and fragile in the face of the discomforts of the numerous procedures to which she is subjected. Therapeutic play was an important resource for revealing how the child with cancer feels during the treatment, and showed the childrens difficulty in interacting with the unknown, and how this difficulty makes the balance between the points of health and illness complex.
Texto & Contexto Enfermagem | 2015
Marileise Roberta Antoneli Fonseca; Claudinei José Gomes Campos; Circéa Amália Ribeiro; Vanessa Pellegrino Toledo; Luciana de Lione Melo
This study aimed to understand the play of the preschool child undergoing oncological treatment through dramatic therapeutic play. A total of five preschool age children with cancer participated in the dramatic therapeutic play sessions, between January and May 2013. The material was analyzed using the framework of phenomenology: analysis of the structure of the phenomenon in place. The following categories emerged from the sessions: Immersing oneself in the world of the disease and the oncological treatment; and Remembering the world without the disease. The study learned that becoming ill with cancer is a process which generates pain and suffering for the child, leading her to feel small and fragile in the face of the discomforts of the numerous procedures to which she is subjected. Therapeutic play was an important resource for revealing how the child with cancer feels during the treatment, and showed the childrens difficulty in interacting with the unknown, and how this difficulty makes the balance between the points of health and illness complex.
Texto & Contexto Enfermagem | 2015
Marileise Roberta Antoneli Fonseca; Claudinei José Gomes Campos; Circéa Amália Ribeiro; Vanessa Pellegrino Toledo; Luciana de Lione Melo
This study aimed to understand the play of the preschool child undergoing oncological treatment through dramatic therapeutic play. A total of five preschool age children with cancer participated in the dramatic therapeutic play sessions, between January and May 2013. The material was analyzed using the framework of phenomenology: analysis of the structure of the phenomenon in place. The following categories emerged from the sessions: Immersing oneself in the world of the disease and the oncological treatment; and Remembering the world without the disease. The study learned that becoming ill with cancer is a process which generates pain and suffering for the child, leading her to feel small and fragile in the face of the discomforts of the numerous procedures to which she is subjected. Therapeutic play was an important resource for revealing how the child with cancer feels during the treatment, and showed the childrens difficulty in interacting with the unknown, and how this difficulty makes the balance between the points of health and illness complex.