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Featured researches published by Maurilo Monteiro Terra.

Revista Brasileira De Fruticultura | 2004

Qualidade de frutos de videira 'Niagara Rosada' em cultivo intercalar com gramínea e leguminosas

Elaine Bahia Wutke; Cássia Regina Limonta Carvalho; Fabio Costa; Maurilo Monteiro Terra; Erasmo José Paioli Pires; Ismael Luiz Secco; Ivan José Antunes Ribeiro

Grape vineyard in Southern Brazil utilize a large amount of mulch during autum-winter season demanding extra efforts and costs related to its acquisition, transportation and distribution in the plant inter-rows. In order to evaluate the possibility of replacing the tradicional use of mulch by cover cropped (green manuring species) in the inter-row strip, two experiments were carried out in Indaiatuba and Jundiai, SP, Brazil, from 1999 to 2002, with the table grape variety Niagara Rosada. The experimental design was a randomized block with four replications and six treatments: 1.check (no weeded); 2. cutted spontaneous local vegetation; 3. mulch of Brachiaria decumbens; 4. Avena strigosa from March to October followed by Mucuna deeringiana from October to March; 5. Lathyrus sativus from March to October followed by M. deeringiana from October to March; and 6. Lupinus albus from March to October followed by M. deeringiana from October to March The juice quality was evaluated by content of total soluble solids (TSS), pH, total titratable acidity (TTA) and ratio TSS/TTA. In general and according to the average of the years the results of all characteristics obtained at the treatments with the green cover were equal ou more favorable than those ones using mulch cover. This leads to the conclusion that is possible the utilization of green manure crops in the inter-rows of grape vineyard without any negative interference on quality characteristics of grape fruits, which was influenced by the annual climatic conditions of the cultivation regions.

Revista Brasileira De Fruticultura | 2002

Brotação e produtividade de videiras da cultivar Centennial Seedless (Vitis vinifera L.) tratadas com cianamida hidrogenada na região noroeste do estado de São Paulo

Renato Vasconcelos Botelho; Erasmo José Paioli Pires; Maurilo Monteiro Terra

The Northwest region of Sao Paulo State presents winter with mild temperatures, that allows grape crops between June and October, outside of harvest time from traditional grape-growing areas. In these conditions vine sprouting is irregular and low, requiring budbreak with chemical compounds. In this context, a trial was conducted in a commercial Centennial Seedless (Vitis vinifera L.) vineyard, where it was studied the effects of hydrogen cyanamide applied at different epochs. Vinegrapes were pruned at three different times (03-23, 04-05 and 04-20-2002) and the following doses of hydrogen cyanamide were used: 0, 0.75, 1.50, 2.25, 3.00 and 3.75%. The following variables were evaluated: percentage of sprouting, percentage of growing shoots, number of clusters, cluster weight and total yield. Independently of the hydrogen cyanamide dose, vines pruned earlier showed a lower percentage of sprouting. Hydrogen cyanamide applications presented a quadratic effect for percentage of sprouting, and number of clusters. Additionally, it was verified quadratic effects of hydrogen cyanamide applications for the variables percentage of growing shoots, cluster weight and total yield; in the prune carried out on April 20th . In the prune done on April 5th, it was observed linear increase for these variables. The estimated dose of hydrogen cyanamide for the highest sprouting was 2,89%.

Revista Brasileira De Fruticultura | 2009

Efeito do extrato de alho na quebra de dormência de gemas de videiras e no controle in vitro do agente causal da antracnose (Elsinoe ampelina Shear)

Renato Vasconcelos Botelho; Aline José Maia; Erasmo José Paioli Pires; Maurilo Monteiro Terra

Considering the reduction or elimination of synthetic compounds used in sustainable fruit production systems, this work aimed to search for new alternatives for bud break dormancy and diseases control in grapevines. Single-bud cuttings of grapevines were sprayed with the following treatments: 1) control, 2) 1% SO (soybean oil), 3) 3% GE (garlic extract), 4) 3% GE + 1% SO. After that, the cuttings were kept in a growth chamber (25±2.5oC) for 56 days. The unique treatment that stimulated sprouting of grapevines cv. Isabel Precoce was 3% GE + 1% S), that reached 35% sprouting, differing statistically from the control (12.5%), 1% SO (17.5%) and 3% GE (15.0%). Probably, the stage of deep endodormancy of buds, after only 90 chilling hours (< 7.0oC), avoided better results of bud breaks treatments. Three experiments were carried out in vitro, with different garlic extract doses aiming to evaluate the control of the fungus Elsinoe ampelina. In all trials, there were quadratic effects on mycelial growth, without differences between garlic extract treatments, evidencing its fungicide effect, even for the lowest dose of 0.0615% GE.

Scientia Agricola | 1999


Geovanita Paulino da Costa Kalil; Maurilo Monteiro Terra; Antonio Nascimento Kalil Filho; Jefferson Luiz Vasconcello de Macedo; Erasmo José Paioli Pires

Este trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de avaliar a resposta do cultivar Maria (IAC 514-6) ao anelamento e a aplicacao de acido giberelico na concentracao de 200ppm, no inicio ou apos o florescimento, para as caracteristicas dos cachos, bagos e engacos. O experimento foi realizado em Jundiai, SP, e o delineamento estatistico foi inteiramente casualizado, com doze tratamentos e cinco repeticoes. Nao foram detectados efeitos de epoca de anelamento ou de aplicacao de acido giberelico. Efeitos significativos do anelamento no tronco ou nos ramos e da aplicacao do acido giberelico ou de ambos os tratamentos foram detectados para as caracteristicas estudadas. Os incrementos verificados para essas caracteristicas foram semelhantes ao serem aplicados os fatores isoladamente ou em conjunto.

Revista Brasileira De Fruticultura | 2008

Efeitos do ácido giberélico e do thidiazuron sobre as características dos frutos e do mosto da uva 'Niagara Rosada'

Cássia Regina Yuriko Ide Vieira; Erasmo José Paioli Pires; Maurilo Monteiro Terra; Marco Antonio Tecchio; Renato Vasconcelos Botelho

With the objective of evaluating the effects of the gibberellic acid and thidiazuron on clusters characteristics of the grapevine Niagara Rosada, two trials were carried out. In the first trial, it was used gibberellic acid (AG3) 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75 and 90 mg.l-1, applied in the bloom and repeated 14 days later (E1E2) and in the other treatment, the same compound and doses applied only once, 14 days after the bloom (E2); in the second experiment, thidiazuron (TDZ) 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 mg.l-1, applied four days before antesis and repeated six days after the bloom (E1E2); and in the other treatment, the same compound and doses applied only once six days after the bloom (E2). From the obtained results, it has been verified that the treatments with thidiazuron, increased the setting of the berries, resulting in the increment of the clusters mass and the significant thickening of rachis. The fruits treated with thidiazuron presented desuniform maturation, berries with reduced mass and size, compact clusters, with low commercial value. Increases in the number of berries with increments in the mass of the clusters, had been also observed with applications of gibberellic acid. For the variable mass of the clusters, the best results obtained from estimate of the regression equation have been verified with applications 54mg.L-1 gibberellic acid, with values of 198,8g.

Revista Brasileira De Fruticultura | 2011

Produtividade da videira 'Niagara Rosada' em cultivo intercalar com adubos verdes

Elaine Bahia Wutke; Maurilo Monteiro Terra; Erasmo José Paioli Pires; Ivan José Antunes Ribeiro; Afonso Peche Filho

Influence of green covers on yield of the table grape variety Niagara Rosada. In order to evaluate the possibility of replacing the traditionally used mulch by cover cropping (green manuring species) in the inter-row strip, maintaining its productivity, two experiments were carried out in Indaiatuba and Jundiai, SP, Brazil, from 1999/00 to 2003/04, with the table grape variety Niagara Rosada. The experimental design was a randomized block with four replications and six treatments: no weeded; spontaneous local vegetation cutting; usual mulch of Brachiaria decumbens (check) and three other treatments with cover crops Avena strigosa, Lathyrus sativus and Lupinus albus, from March to October, followed by Mucuna deeringiana from October to March. Productivity, the number and the weight of cluster of grape were evaluated. The medium values were compared by using the Duncan test at 5% of significance. According to the average of the years, the results of all characteristics observed in the treatments with the green cover were similar ou more favorable than those ones using mulch cover. This leads to the conclusion that it is possible to cultivate green manure crops in the inter-rows of a grape vineyard instead of the mulch, without any negative interference on productivity of the grapevine.

Revista Brasileira De Fruticultura | 2011

Teores foliares de nutrientes, índice relativo de clorofila e teores de nitrato e de potássio na seiva do pecíolo na videira 'Niagara Rosada'

Marco Antonio Tecchio; Mara Fernandes Moura; Erasmo José Paioli-Pires; Maurilo Monteiro Terra; Luiz Antonio Junqueira Teixeira; Ronny Clayton Smarsi

ABSTRACT- A nutritional survey was carried out in 93 vineyards of the wine regions of Jundiai, Sao Miguel Arcanjo and Jales (state of Sao Paulo-Brazil), aiming to compare the nutrient concentration in leaf samples, the concentration of nitrate and potassium in the petiole sap and the relative chlorophyll index (IRC) of ‘Niagara Rosada’ vineyard. Leaves, blade and petiole in full bloom vines were sampled in 20 plants selected from each vineyard, and evaluations of the IRC in the leaf blade and the levels of NO3- and K in the petioles sap were realized. Macro and micronutrients concentrations were measured in leaf samples. The sampled vineyards were grouped by region of study, and each vineyard was considered as a replicate sample, totaling 45, 24 and 24 repetitions, in Jundiai, Sao Miguel Arcanjo and Jales, respectively. Sampled vineyards from the Jales region showed higher leaf concentrations of P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Fe and Mn, and also higher IRC and levels of nitrate and potassium in the petiole. These differences were related to the different rootstocks used, which were ‘IAC 766’, ‘IAC 572’ and ‘Riparia of Traviu’, respectively, for Jundiai, Jales and Sao Miguel Arcanjo. The differences highlight the need to adjust the concentration ranges of nutrients in leaf analysis, through regional trials, taking into account the rootstock and the region under study.Index terms: Vitis, foliar analysis, mineral nutrition, grapevine.

Revista Brasileira De Fruticultura | 2002

Efeitos do thidiazuron e do ácido giberélico nas características dos cachos de uva de mesa cultivar Rubi, na região da Nova Alta Paulista

Renato Vasconcelos Botelho; Erasmo José Paioli Pires; Maurilo Monteiro Terra; Stella Consorte Cato

ABSTRACT – With the objective of evaluating the effects of thidiazuron and gibberellic acid on the cluster characteristics of ‘Rubi’grapes, a trial was conducted where was used thidiazuron at 5 and 10mg.L -1 and gibberellic acid at 20mg.L , associated or not . Theproducts were applied in three epochs: 14, 21 or 28 days after full bloom, by dipping the clusters. All treatments with growth regulatorsincreased the cluster weight. The berries and rachis weight were identically influenced, but it was less evident when the appl icationswere done 28 days after full bloom. Applications of thidiazuron at 5mg.L -1 , 14 or 21 days after full bloom, didn´t differ to the gibberellicacid applications for the variables in studying. There weren´t differences in the variables contents of soluble solutes, titrab le acidity,although the treatments with thidiazuron delayed cluster ripening until 7 days. Index terms: vine, Vitis vinifera , , cytokinin, gibberellin, growth regulator.O thidiazuron (TDZ: N-fenil-N-1,2,3-tidiazol-5-tiureia) euma citocinina sintetica que, no Brasil, e largamente utilizada nacultura do algodoeiro para provocar desfolhamento. Emfruticultura, ha trabalhos que comprovaram a eficiencia dothidiazuron na quebra de dormencia da macieira e pereira (Araujoet al., 1991; Francisconi et al., 1982), e no aumento do tamanho epegamento dos frutos de macas, kiwis e uvas (Petri et al., 1992;Reynolds et al., 1992).O acido giberelico (AG

Bragantia | 1995

Influência do anelamento e do ácido giberélico em características do cultivar apireno de uvas Maria

Celso Valdevino Pommer; Maurilo Monteiro Terra; Erasmo José Paioli Pires; Adriana Hermont Picinin; Ilene Ribeiro da Silva Passos

Estudou-se o efeito da incisao anelar, de forma isolada ou em conjunto com acido giberelico, sobre os cachos e as bagas do cultivar apireno Maria (IAC 514-6), de vinhedos comerciais em Jundiai (SP). Os tratamentos efetuados 14 dias apos a floracao foram: (1) plantas aneladas; (2) plantas aneladas com racemos mergulhados em solucao de acido giberelico (GA3) a 200 mg/L; (3) plantas nao aneladas com racemos mergulhados em igual solucao e (4) testemunha: plantas e racemos desenvolvidos naturalmente. As caracteristicas analisadas foram: massa, comprimento e largura dos cachos; numero, massa, comprimento e largura de bagas; teor de solidos soluveis e pH. A testemunha, sem anelamento e sem GA3, foi inferior aos demais tratamentos. O anelamento e o GA3 melhoraram extraordinariamente a massa, o comprimento e a largura dos cachos, e o numero, a massa, o comprimento e a largura das bagas, em comparacao com a testemunha. O efeito isolado do GA3 foi superior ao do anelamento em quase todas as caracteristicas. O anelamento isolado induziu um teor de solidos soluveis bastante superior ao dos demais tratamentos. O efeito conjunto do anelamento e do GA3 foi muito superior ao dos demais tratamentos, em todas as caracteristicas fisicas de cachos e de bagas.

Revista Brasileira De Fruticultura | 2015


Luiz Antonio Junqueira Teixeira; Marco Antonio Tecchio; Mara Fernandes Moura; Maurilo Monteiro Terra; Erasmo José Paioli Pires

ABSTRACTPreliminary Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System (DRIS) norms and critical leaf nutrient levels (CLN) for ‘Niagara Rosada’ grape grafted on the rootstock ‘IAC 766’ growing in the region of Jundiai, State of Sao Paulo (Brazil) are presented. DRIS norms and CLN were established from a data bank of leaf nutrient concentration(N, P, K, Ca and Mg) and fruit yield with 116 records. The data bank gets information from fertilizationexperiments and from a field survey comprising four crop cycles. The data were divided into high-yielding (>26 t/ha) and low-yielding (<26 t/ha) subpopulations and norms were computed using standard DRIS procedures. Even with the diversity of cropping conditions, the relationship between the nutrient balance index from DRIS and fruit yield was highly significant (R2 = 0.48, p<0.0001), indicating that part of the variation in productivity of vineyards can be credited to nutritional status of the plants. The CLNs were derived using multiple linear regressions relating to the foliar nutrient concentration with DRIS indices of all nutrients. The CLNs for N, P, K, Ca, and Mg were 38.0, 3.0, 11.4, 13.7, and 3.5 g/ kg, respectively.

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