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Featured researches published by Vania de Fátima Barros Estivalete.

Gestão & Produção | 2007

Confiança, comportamento oportunista e quebra de contratos na cadeia produtiva do fumo no sul do Brasil

Heron Sérgio Moreira Begnis; Vania de Fátima Barros Estivalete; Eugenio Avila Pedrozo

Abstract This paper presents an analysis concerning the possible effects of the opportunistic behavior and contract break-downs in the South Brazilian Tobacco Chain. The study was based on Transaction Cost Economics and Interorganiza-tional Relationships work. The results of this investigation show the importance of building up partnerships based on trust and cooperation connected to a chain concerning its organization and global performance. Keywords: Contracts. Partnership. Trust. Opportunism. Referencias bibliograficas AFUBRA – Associacao dos Fumicultores do Brasil. Relatorio de Atividades Afubra 2002/03 . Santa Cruz do Sul: AFUBRA, 2003.BARDIN, I. Analise de conteudo . Lisboa: Edicoes Setenta, 1994.BEGNIS, H. S. M.; PEDROZO, E. A.; ESTIVALETE, V. de F. B. Cooperacao enquanto estrategia segundo diferentes perspectivas teoricas. In: ENCONTRO DA ANPAD - ENAMPAD, XXIX., 2005, Anais... Brasilia: 2005.DAS, T. K.; TENG, B. Betwen trust and control: developing confidence in partner cooperation in alliances.

Bar. Brazilian Administration Review | 2010

The influence of transverse CSR structure on headquarters/subsidiary integration

Luciano Barin Cruz; Eugenio Avila Pedrozo; Vania de Fátima Barros Estivalete; Debora Nayar Hoff

Some studies have already highlighted the effects of the introduction of Corporate Social Responsibility [CSR] projects into Multinational Corporations’ [MNC] strategies. However, little attention has been paid to the influence of transverse CSR structure on headquarters/subsidiary integration. In this article, we begin with the following question: What is the influence of the introduction of a centralized/decentralized structure on conducting a CSR strategy in a MNC? Our main objective is to identify conditions through which the structure of the CSR department influences the CSR strategy of the MNC. We define transverse CSR structure as: (1) the existence of a CSR directory at the headquarters level and a CSR representative at the subsidiary level, and (2) the existence of representatives from different areas who participate in meetings or committees to make decisions about CSR strategy. We argue that a transverse CSR structure favors consideration of global and local CSR demands by headquarters and subsidiaries. This process takes place through the mediation of three main elements: information exchange, awareness activities and definition of objectives.

Revista Eletrônica de Ciência Administrativa | 2013

Suporte social e organizacional no trabalho: um diagnóstico no setor bancário público e privado

Taís de Andrade; Vania de Fátima Barros Estivalete; Tarízi Cioccari Gomes

The decision support systems have gained representation in the academic and professional environment. It leads to a need of understanding what has been published about the field. Thus, the objective of this work, which has an exploratory and descriptive nature, is to perform a mapping and content analysis under the decision support systems topic, represented by a set of scientific article. To achieve the goal we will use the Development Process Knowledge - Constructivist (Proknow-C). At the end of the paper, it was possible to select a Literature Portfolio (LP) composed of 12 scientific articles, and to this LP, recognize the highlighted journals, articles, authors and keywords related to the field. It was also possible to perform a content analysis on the material. Through analysis composed of six criteria established, we diagnosed that the most well succeeded paper fulfilled 3 of 6 criteria. Therefore, it was possible to find flaws in the literature and suggesting research opportunities for future works.

Jistem Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management | 2011

A vision of Orkut's users: studying this phenomenon through cognitive absorption

Mauri Leodir Löbler; Monize Sâmara Visentini; Vania de Fátima Barros Estivalete

This study aims to identify the influence that Cognitive Absorption has on the intention of using Orkut. It happens due to the fact that Cognitive Absorption is related to the state of deep involvement users carry with an individual task, performed with the support of Information Technology (IT); it corroborates the study on this virtual community. Therefore, through descriptive research with a quantitative character and with the aid of structural equations, 645 Orkut users were investigated. After the identification of suitability of all indexes tested and fit for both constructs and the final model. The conclusion drawn is that Cognitive Absorption explains the 41% intention of using Orkut, emphasizing that for this kind of IT the Cognitive Absorption seems perfectly adequate to measure the Intention of Use.

REAd. Revista Eletrônica de Administração (Porto Alegre) | 2017


Vívian Flores Costa; Vania de Fátima Barros Estivalete; Taís de Andrade

Este estudo tem o objetivo central identificar os comportamentos de cidadania organizacional (CCO) predominantes no contexto organizacional, a partir da visao de colaboradores e de gestores de uma industria de eletrodomesticos. Para tanto, realizou-se uma pesquisa descritiva, de natureza quantitativa e qualitativa, concretizada por meio de um estudo de caso em uma empresa fabricante de eletrodomesticos. Inicialmente, na etapa quantitativa, participaram 302 colaboradores pertencentes a diversas posicoes hierarquicas da Empresa pesquisada, os quais responderam um questionario elaborado a partir do modelo Escala de Civismo nas Organizacoes (ECO) de Porto e Tamayo (2003). Em um segundo momento, na etapa qualitativa, participaram 10 gestores da Empresa investigada, com os quais se efetivaram entrevistas semiestruturadas, sendo o protocolo elaborado a luz do modelo de Porto e Tamayo (2003). Os principais resultados encontrados expoem que, no que tange aos CCO, os comportamentos de Protecao ao sistema e de Cooperacao com os colegas foram os indicados pelos colaboradores e gestores como os mais presentes no contexto organizacional investigado. Em contrapartida, na visao dos colaboradores, o Autotreinamento e o comportamento de Sugestao a gestao organizacional sao os menos praticados no ambiente de trabalho, contudo, a visao dos gestores apresentou algumas dissensoes, visto que apontaram esses comportamentos como recorrentes nos membros da organizacao.

Brazilian Journal of Rural Economy and Sociology | 2014

Em frente ao espelho: a produção do conhecimento em cooperativas na Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural

Heron Sérgio Moreira Begnis; Silvio Cezar Arend; Vania de Fátima Barros Estivalete

The International Year of Cooperatives (2012) was established by the United Nations (UN) to highlight the importance of cooperatives for social and economic development. Hence, considering the role of cooperatives in the Brazilian rural sector, this article makes an analysis of scientific literature on cooperatives and cooperativism concerning the main journal of the Brazilian Society of Economics, Administration and Rural Sociology (Sober), the Journal of Economics and Rural Sociology (RESR). The aim is to determine the intensity of work on the topic as well as identify the main researchers and theoretical approaches. The findings showed that there are a small number of articles related to the topic and their references are mainly composed by economists. The analysis also concluded that the focus was related to economic issues like performance and profitability. Finally, we can also conclude that the key theoretical approaches of these scientific works under investigation rely primarily on Local Productive Arrangements and on The New Institutional Economics.

RAM. Revista de Administração Mackenzie | 2012

A influência dos valores organizacionais na percepção de suporte organizacional com base na concepção dos colaboradores do setor bancário

Vania de Fátima Barros Estivalete; Taís de Andrade

ABSTRACT This study aims to understand the influence of organizational values in the per-ception of organizational support, from the perspective of employees of public and private banking. To achieve this goal, we started with two theoretical perspec-tives. To achieve this goal, we started with two theoretical perspectives. The first refers to the approach of organizational values propused by Oliveira and Tamayo (2004) and the second is associated with organizational support, by Eisenber-ger, Huntington and Sowa (1986). In order to achieve the objective of the study, carried out a descriptive study of the survey type, to survey and analyze the results. The instrument completed by 332 employees of the banking sector was based on the inventory profiles Organizational Values (IPVO) from Oliveira and Tamayo (2004) and Scale Perceived Organizational Support (Epso) developed by Eisenberger, Huntington and Sowa (1986) and validated in the Brazilian context by Siqueira (1995). The main findings expose that the values of organizational priority banking institutions, as perceived by the employees were the Dominion and Prestige, while the values Welness, Self Realization and occupied places lower in the hierarchy. Regarding the organizational support that showed mode-rate level of incidence. Still, the multiple regression analysis revealed that the organizational values influence the perception of organizational support. The regression model indicated that the dependent variable organizational support was explained in 70.2% by the factors Autonomy and Achievement, Well-being and Domain. Thus, we found that organizational values influence on the percep-tion of organizational support, confirming the theoretical assumptions advoca-ted by Goodwin, Costa and Adonu (2004) and Goodwin and Giles (2003). From the standpoint of its application, this study identified as the organization’s prio-rities are being perceived by individuals, providing valuable information that can contribute to the planning of actions for the development, welfare and employee satisfaction from the banking sector.Este estudio tiene como objetivo compreender la influencia de los valores de la organizacion en la percepcion de apoyo de la organizacion, desde la perspectiva de los empleados de la banca publica y privada. Para lograr este objetivo, empezamos con dos perspectivas teoricas. El primer enfoque se refiere a los valores de la organizacion propuesto por Oliveira y Tamayo (2004) y el segundo relacionado con el apoyo de la organizacion, como Eisenberger, Huntington y Sowa (1986). Con el fin de lograr el objetivo del estudio, llevado a cabo un estudo descriptivo del tipo survey, para estudiar y analizar los resultados. El instrumento completado por 332 empleados del sector bancario se basa en los perfiles de inventario de valores organizacionales (IPVO) de Oliveira y Tamayo (2004) y la escala el apoyo percibido organizacional (Epso), desarrollado por Eisenberger, Huntington y Sowa (1986) y validado en el contexto brasileno por Siqueira (1995). Exponer las principales conclusiones que los valores de la organizacion las instituciones de banca de prioridad, segun la percepcion de los empleados eran el dominio y el prestigio, mientras que el bienestar, la realizacion del ser y los lugares ocupados mas bajo en la jerarquia. En cuanto al apoyo a la organizacion que mostro un nivel moderado de incidencia. Sin embargo, el analisis de regresion multiple revelo que los valores de la organizacion influyen en la percepcion de apoyo organizacional. El modelo de regresion indico que el apoyo de la organizacion depende de variables se explica por los factores en el 70,2% la autonomia y el logro, y el bienestar y el dominio. Asi, encontramos que los valores de la organizacion influyen en la percepcion de apoyo organizacional, lo que confirma las suposiciones teoricas defendidas por Goodwin, Costa y Adonu (2004) y Goodwin y Giles (2003). Desde el punto de vista de su aplicacion, este estudio identifico como prioridades de la organizacion estan siendo percibidos por las personas, proporcionando informacion valiosa que puede contribuir a la planificacion de acciones para la satisfaccion de desarrollo, el bienestar y el empleado de la banca.

Revista de Administração FACES Journal | 2011


Vania de Fátima Barros Estivalete; Monize Sâmara Visentini; Mauri Leodir Löbler; Taís de Andrade

Por meio deste trabalho, busca-se aliar a compreensao de fenomenos cognitivos a intencao de uso dos Sistemas de Informacao (SI). Para tanto, apoiou-se na perspectiva teorica dos estilos cognitivos (KIRTON, 1976) e na Teoria Unifi cada de Aceitacao e Uso da Tecnologia (UTAUT), de Venkatesh et al. (2003). Assim, objetivou-se identifi car se os estilos cognitivos infl uenciam a intencao de usar os SI, juntamente com os fatores pre-defi nidos no UTAUT. Por meio de uma survey, foram investigados 170 colaboradores de uma empresa do varejo calcadista. Quanto ao estilo cognitivo, mostrou-se predominante o estilo inovador. Ja com relacao ao UTAUT, o fator Intencao de Uso apresentou maior relevância. Observou-se, tambem, diferenca signifi cativa de percepcao entre os estilos cognitivos e as dimensoes que infl uenciam a intencao e o uso dos SI. A partir desta verifi cacao, realizou-se uma analise de regressao multipla, a qual demonstrou infl uencia do estilo cognitivo e dos fatores Expectativa de Esforco e Expectativa de Performance na intencao de usar os SI, explicando em 60,6% a variância do modelo. Concluiu-se, desta forma, que os estilos cognitivos assumem importância na analise do sucesso dos SI e, ou, na identifi cacao da intencao de uso dos mesmos. Salienta-se ainda que todas as hipoteses propostas foram corroboradas.

BASE - Revista de Administração e Contabilidade da Unisinos | 2008

In search of collective action: interorganizational learning strategies adopted by organizations that establish relationships in horizontal networks

Vania de Fátima Barros Estivalete; Eugenio Avila Pedrozo; Heron Sérgio Moreira Begnis

Este trabalho teve como inspiracao os estudos desenvolvidos por Larsson et al. (1998) e buscou identificar as estrategias individuais de aprendizagem interorganizacional adotadas por organizacoes que estabelecem relacionamentos horizontais em rede, bem como verificar a combinacao mais adequada dessas estrategias na busca da acao coletiva, alavancando, assim, os resultados de aprendizagem interorganizacional. A presente pesquisa caracteriza-se por ser de natureza qualitativa e exploratoria e o metodo adotado para realizacao desse estudo e o estudo de caso com multiplas unidades de analise. A pesquisa foi realizada em uma rede composta por treze empresas do ramo de supermercados gauchos. A coleta dos dados ocorreu atraves da aplicacao de um questionario para investigar as estrategias adotadas pelas organizacoes em relacao a aprendizagem e da realizacao de entrevistas individuais em profundidade com os treze gestores das organizacoes estudadas. Identificou-se a predominância de comportamentos estrategicos que variam da estrategia de compromisso rumo a estrategia de competicao entre as empresas analisadas. Essa tendencia sinaliza para uma transferencia limitada em termos de conhecimento, requerendo um olhar sobre os motivos que restringem os graus de transparencia e receptividade por parte das empresas que estabelecem relacoes de parceria. Palavras-chave: aprendizagem interorganizacional, redes horizontais, relacionamentos interorganizacionais.

Revista de Administração da UFSM | 2018

Interações entre os Comportamentos de Cidadania Organizacional, Confiança Interpessoal, Confiança Organizacional e Suporte Organizacional

Taís de Andrade; Vania de Fátima Barros Estivalete; Vívian Flores Costa; Lisiane Pellini Faller; Gabrielle Loureiro Costa

This study aims to analyze the existing relationships between Organizational Citizenship Behaviors, Interpersonal Trust, Organizational Trust and Organizational Support, from the perspective of employees in the educational sector. In order to achieve this objective, a research of character descriptive of the survey type. The instrument filled out by 988 employees was elaborated from the Organizational Citizenship Behavior Scale for Knowledge Workers (OCB-KW), Interpersonal Trust Measure (IT), Employee Trust Scale (ETS) and Organizational Support Perception Scale (OSPS). The main results show the existence of a relationship between the constructs of the social context and the OCB. The highest correlation found between Interpersonal Trust and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors ( r= .462), indicating that the existence of trust among the individuals in the organization is directly proportional to their involvement in positive and discretionary behaviors for the common good.


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Taís de Andrade

Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

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Vívian Flores Costa

Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

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Eugenio Avila Pedrozo

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

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Mauri Leodir Löbler

Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

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Jefferson Menezes de Oliveira

Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

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Lisiane Pellini Faller

Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

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Simone Alves Pacheco de Campos

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

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Kelmara Mendes Vieira

Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

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Leticia Lengler

Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

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