Débora Dalbosco Dell'Aglio
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
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Featured researches published by Débora Dalbosco Dell'Aglio.
Estudos De Psicologia (natal) | 1998
Adriane Scomazzon Antoniazzi; Débora Dalbosco Dell'Aglio; Denise Ruschel Bandeira
O conceito de coping tem sido descrito como o conjunto das estrategias utilizadas pelas pessoas para adaptarem-se a circunstâncias adversas ou estressantes. O presente artigo apresenta os modelos de coping de Folkman e Lazarus, e de Rudolph, Denning e Weisz, bem como suas diferentes posicoes teoricas e metodologicas. As definicoes de estilos e estrategias de coping, sua eficacia e possiveis relacoes com tracos de personalidade sao discutidas. E salientada a necessidade de uma teoria de stress-coping especifica para criancas, tendo em vista as mudancas cognitivas que ocorrem no curso de seu desenvolvimento. Este artigo apresenta tambem questoes controversas sobre o tema e aponta a necessidade de pesquisas sobre coping no Brasil, para auxiliar na compreensao e desenvolvimento deste conceito.
Psicologia & Sociedade | 2006
Aline Cardoso Siqueira; Débora Dalbosco Dell'Aglio
RESUMO: Este artigo apresenta uma revisao de literatura sobre as instituicoes de abrigo, discutindo sua influencia no desenvolvimento de criancas e adolescentes. A partir da Teoria Ecologica do Desenvolvimento Humano e do Estatuto da Crianca e do Adolescente, foram considerados estudos sobre abrigamento, realizados ao longo das ultimas decadas. Muitos estudos discutem a vivencia institucional, sendo que alguns apontam prejuizos ao desenvolvimento, enquanto outros indicam que a instituicao pode ser uma alternativa positiva, quando o ambiente familiar e desorganizado e caotico. Embora sejam observadas melhoras na qualidade da assistencia oferecidas pelos abrigos, especialmente apos o ECA, discute-se a necessidade de acoes direcionadas as equipes das instituicoes, a fim de oportunizar melhores condicoes de trabalho e diminuicao da rotatividade. Alem disso, e necessario entender a instituicao como parte da rede de apoio social e afetivo, que tambem pode oferecer um espaco para o desenvolvimento saudavel de criancas e adolescentes. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: institucionalizacao; criancas; adolescentes; desenvolvimento.
Psicologia-reflexao E Critica | 2004
Débora Dalbosco Dell'Aglio; Claudio Simon Hutz
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do SulResumoForam investigadas as variAEveis depressao e desempenho escolar em 215 criancas e adolescentes, de ambos os sexos, de 7 a 15 ano s, de escolaspœblicas da periferia de Porto Alegre e Viamao, divididas em 2 grupos. Um grupo de participantes (n=105) estava abrigado em instituiciesgovernamentais de protecao especial e o outro ( n=110) morava com a familia e frequentava as mesmas escolas. Os participantes responderamindividualmente o Children™s Depression Inventory (CDI) e o Raven. As professoras preencheram uma Escala de Avaliacao do desempenho dosalunos. Os resultados do CDI indicaram uma mOdia mais alta entre as meninas e no grupo institucionalizado. Foi encontrada uma c orrelacaonegativa entre o CDI e o desempenho escolar. As meninas apresentaram uma mOdia mais alta no desempenho escolar e as criancas in stitucionalizadasuma mOdia mais baixa. Estes resultados indicam a necessidade de estratOgias de atendimento especificas para criancas e adolesce ntes institucionalizadospara melhorar seu desempenho escolar e prevenir depressao entre as meninas.Palavras-chave: Depressao; desempenho escolar; institucionalizacao.Depression and School Achievement of Institutionalized Children and AdolescentsAbstractThe present study investigated depression and school achievement of 215 children and adolescents of both sexes, 7 to 15 years-o ld, who wereattending public schools in poor regions of Porto Alegre and Viamao, Brazil. About half the participants ( n=105) were living in public institutions.The others ( n=110) lived with their families and attended the same schools. The participants completed the Children™s Depression Inventory(CDI) and the Raven test. An evaluation scale to assess school achievement was completed by teachers. The CDI scores showed significantdifferences between the groups. Females living in institutions presented significantly higher scores.€€A negative correlation w as found between theCDI scores and school achievement. Females presented higher school achievement than males but institutionalized children had lo wer schoolachievement. These results point to the need of developing specific strategies to deal with€institutionalized children and adol escents to improveschool performance and to prevent depression, specially among females.Keywords: Depression; school achievement; institutionalization.
Psicologia-reflexao E Critica | 2007
Carlo Schmidt; Débora Dalbosco Dell'Aglio; Cleonice Alves Bosa
Many studies have shown evidence of high levels of stress in families with autistic children. Concerning this process, it is important to consider the coping strategies used by family members in face of the adverse circumstances. The purpose of this study is to investigate the coping strategies of mothers when dealing with their autistic children, as well as how they deal with their own emotions unleashed by the stress. Thirty mothers, between 30 and 56 years old participated in the study. Their children have met the criteria for autism and attended special education schools. The coping strategies were investigated using a semi-structured interview, which was transcribed and analyzed by content analysis. The main difficulties refer to the childs behavior. In relation to these difficulties, the strategy used by the mothers was predominantly direct action and acceptance. Concerning the strategies to deal with their own emotions, the most frequent categories were distraction, reaching out for social/religious support, lack of action and avoidance. Results are discussed in terms of stress and maternal adaptation model.
Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa | 2010
Aline Cardoso Siqueira; Débora Dalbosco Dell'Aglio
This study aimed to investigate the characteristics of institutionalized youth and their families. The participants were 155 institutionalized children and adolescents, aged from 7 to 16 years old, from shelters in the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre/RS. Data collection was accomplished through structured interviews, the Academic Achievement Test, the Life Satisfaction Scale and the Five Field Map. Early experimentation of drugs, poor school performances and high levels of school failure were observed among the adolescents. Families presented low educational levels, informal jobs and unemployment. Positive contacts and high life satisfaction in the institution may indicate that the institutional acceptance constitutes a source of support and satisfaction. Intervention programs for the development of those youth and for empowerment of their families are discussed.
Psico-USF | 2010
Juliana Burges Sbicigo; Denise Ruschel Bandeira; Débora Dalbosco Dell'Aglio
The aim of this study was to investigate the psychometrics properties of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSS) for adolescents. The sample was composed of 4.757 adolescents, with ages between 14 and 18 years old (M=15.77; SD=1.22) in nine Brazilian cities. Participants responded to an adapted version of the RSS for Brazil. Exploratory factorial analysis showed a bidimensional structure, with 51.4% of explained variance. This result was supported by confirmatory factor analysis. The internal consistency analysis by Cronbach alpha coefficient, composite reliability and extracted variance indicated good reliability. Differences in self-esteem for gender and age were not found. These findings show that RSS has satisfactory psychometric qualities and it’s a reliable instrument to assess self-esteem in Brazilian adolescents.
Ciencia & Saude Coletiva | 2013
Milene Maria Xavier Veloso; Celina Maria Colino Magalhães; Débora Dalbosco Dell'Aglio; Isabel Rosa Cabral; Maisa Moreira Gomes
A violencia e um problema de saude publica e sua notificacao e fundamental para a vigilância epidemiologica e para a definicao de politicas publicas de prevencao e promocao de saude. O estudo objetivou caracterizar a ocorrencia de violencia domestica, sexual e de outras, a partir das informacoes do banco de dados do Sistema Informacao de Agravos de Notificacao (SINAN), das fichas de notificacao de violencia da cidade de Belem (PA), no periodo de janeiro de 2009 a dezembro de 2011. Foram sistematizadas 3.267 notificacoes, representando um aumento de 240% de 2009 a 2011. Em relacao ao sexo das vitimas, observou-se que, em media, 83,2% dos casos atingiram as mulheres, proporcao esta semelhante nos tres anos analisados. A violencia sexual foi a mais presente com 41,8%; seguida da violencia psicologica com 26,3% e da violencia fisica com 24,0%. Os resultados demonstram a importância do conhecimento do perfil das violencias para intervencao e elaboracao de politicas publicas intersetoriais que promovam a saude e a qualidade de vida nesta regiao do Brasil.Interdisciplinarity in the work routine of professionals of a Residency Course on Family Health in Southern Brazil was investigated in a qualitative study involving 11 residents and 5 su- pervisors of seven professions. Through interviews, observations and focal groups the existence of in- terdisciplinarity in practice was analyzed, duly identifying favorable and unfavorable aspects for its implementation. Interdisciplinarity was ex- pressed as a complex process and concrete action, which occurs in the dramatic implications of its usage, in a dialectical relationship with the polit- ical and institutional context. The study revealed that working in family health care renders the work more complex and that the professionals ex- perience difficulties in sharing knowledge and making the transition between multidisciplinari- ty and interdisciplinarity. The study concludes that interdisciplinarity requires the integrated use of knowledge in the multi-professional practice, the crossing of disciplinary boundaries, the develop- ment of competencies to address the challenges of the work environment and personal attitude as a basic component for professional action. Key words Work, Oganization and administra- tion, Patient care team, Health Services, Human resources, Family health care, Ergology Magda Duarte dos Anjos Scherer 1
Revista De Psiquiatria Do Rio Grande Do Sul | 2007
Josiane Lieberknecht Wathier; Débora Dalbosco Dell'Aglio
Introduction: The present study examined the manifestation of depressive symptoms, as well as frequency and impact of stressful events in institutionalized and non-institutionalized children and adolescents. Method: A total of 257 youths, of both genders, aged 7-16 years were included in this study. Of these, 130 lived in protection youth shelters and 127 lived with their families in the metropolitan area of Porto Alegre. All participants were attending 1st to 8th grades of public elementary schools located in low-income neighborhoods. Childrens Depression Inventory and Stressful Events in Childhood and Adolescence Inventory were used.
Ciencia & Saude Coletiva | 2009
Michele Poletto; Silvia Helena Koller; Débora Dalbosco Dell'Aglio
This paper investigated the occurrence and impact of stressing events for 297 low- income children/adolescents (both sexes; 7-16 years, M =11.22; SD = 2.13) in the city of Porto Alegre. Group 1 (G1) consisted of 142 participants (living with their families) and Group 2 (G2) of 155 institutionalized individuals. All were individually interviewed and answered the Stressing Events Inventory for Children/Adolescents. The most frequent stressing events for the sample were: follow orders given by the parents (85.2%); quarrels with friends (72.9%); death of relatives (71.8%); failure at school (69.2%); and rivalry of siblings (68%). Students t-test revealed significant difference between groups (p <0,001) regarding the occurrence of stressing events, G2 presented higher scores (M = 26.79; SD = 8.67) than G1 (M = 19.16; SD = 9.37). The events that caused the greatest impact upon the studied group were: death of parents and friends, rape, rejection by relatives and violence. There was no significant difference between sexes (p>0.05). The high frequency and strong impact of stressing events reveal the situation of social and familiar vulnerability, presence of violence and lack of resources in the whole group.
Psicologia Em Estudo | 2008
Jeane Lessinger Borges; Débora Dalbosco Dell'Aglio
Current theoretical study shows relationships between sexual abuse during childhood, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and cognitive impairments. The cognitive perspective of sexual abuse effects and PTSD has been undertaken. Child sexual abuse against children is considered a risk factor in child development due to severe cognitive, emotional and behavioral sequences related to the event. The impact of sexual abuse involves short and long term effects and may be seen during adulthood. Review studies foreground the association between traumatic events (sexual abuse), PTSD, and alterations, structural and functional, in cerebral areas related to biological stress response systems. The necessity of future researches investigating the effects of stress and trauma in the child’s neurodevelopment will be discussed.Este estudo teorico aponta as relacoes entre abuso sexual infantil, transtorno de estresse pos-traumatico (TEPT) e prejuizos cognitivos. A perspectiva cognitiva dos efeitos do abuso sexual e do TEPT foi adotada nesta revisao. O abuso sexual contra criancas pode ser considerado um fator de risco para o desenvolvimento infantil, devido as severas sequelas cognitivas, emocionais e comportamentais relacionadas a sua ocorrencia, podendo seu impacto envolver efeitos a curto e longo prazos e estender-se ate a idade adulta. Os estudos de revisao fortalecem a associacao entre eventos traumaticos (abuso sexual), TEPT e alteracoes, tanto estruturais quanto funcionais, em areas cerebrais envolvidas nos sistemas neurais de resposta ao estresse. Finalmente, e discutida a necessidade de pesquisas que investiguem os efeitos do estresse e do trauma no neurodesenvolvimento infantil.