Marcelo Luís Gomes Ribeiro
Federal University of Paraíba
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Featured researches published by Marcelo Luís Gomes Ribeiro.
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2006
José Jordão Filho; José Humberto Vilar da Silva; Edson Lindolfo da Silva; Marcelo Luís Gomes Ribeiro; Terezinha Domiciano Dantas Martins; Carlos Bôa-Viagem Rabello
A trial was carried out to determine the nutritional requeriments of methionine + cystine (M+C). A total of 360 laying hens was allotted to a completely randomized design with five treatments and 12 replicates of six birds. The corn-soybean meal based diets were formulated to be isonitrogenous (17.2% CP) and isoenergy (2,800 kcal ME/kg) to meet the bird requeriment in all nutrients, except for M+C, that was supplemented with DL-methionine (99%) in replacement with corn starch. The following total M+C levels were obtained: 0.61, 0.68, 0.75, 0.82, and 0.89%. All variables were evaluated from 20 to 44 weeks old. Egg weight, egg mass and egg mass:feed ratio were all affected quadratically by the M+C levels. The estimates obtained were: 0.73, 0.69, and 0.69% of total lysine and 0.66, 0.63, and 0.63% of digestible M+C, respectively. Therefore, it is recommended levels of 0.70 and 0.64% or intake of 762 and 697 mg total and digestible M+C/bird/day, respectively, for semi-heavy laying hens from the starter to peak of egg production.
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2003
José Humberto Vilar da Silva; Marinalva Barbosa da Silva; Edson Lindolfo da Silva; José Jordão Filho; Marcelo Luís Gomes Ribeiro; Fernando Guilherme Perazzo Costa; Wilson Moreira Dutra Júnior
The experiment one was carried out to determine apparent metabolizable energy (AME) and nitrogen-corrected ME (AMEn) of nine feedstuffs in Japanese quails. The objective of the experiment two was to compare diets formulated with AMEn of corn and soybean meal, usually fed to broilers and laying hens, with diets formulated with AMEn determined in growing (22 days of age) and adult quails (65 days of age). In the experiment one, 400 growing quails were fed a basal diet (BD) and nine test diets (70% BD + 30% feedstuffs test), with a total of ten diets with four replicates of ten birds each. In the experiment two, 160 European quails were randomized allotted to three treatments, with twelve replicates of five birds, and fed during three periods of fifteen days. The AME and AMEn values (kcal/kg) for vegetal feedstuffs were: 3,340 and 3,354 for corn, 2,718 and 2,456 for soybean meal, 3,453 and 3,084 for integral soybean extruded, 1,624 and 1,593 for wheat bran, 4,558 and 3,992 for corn gluten meal, 3,329 and 3,378 for cassava flour and 1,238 and 1,223 to integral mesquite pods meal. The animal feedstuffs had 2,874 and 2,453 for fish meal and 3,090 and 2,791 for poultry meal. The AMEn of corn and soybean meal estimated for quail did not improve feed intake, egg production, egg weight and feed egg mass ratio, supporting the validity of use of energy those ingredients obtained with broiler and laying hens for formulated quail diets.
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2005
José Humberto Vilar da Silva; Edson Lindolfo da Silva; José Jordão Filho; Marcelo Luís Gomes Ribeiro
Two trials were conducted to evaluate the energetic value and the optimum level of increasing dietary annatto seed by-product (ASB) levels for broiler chick. In the first trial, sixty Ross male broiler chicks (516 + 8.62 g) were fed ad libitum with a basal diet (BD) and a mixture of BD+30% ASB. The first trial was analyzed as a complete randomized design with five replications of six birds. Feces were collected in the morning and afternoon from age 20 to 25 days. In the second trial, 1,190 Ross male broiler chicks were allocated in boxes of 1.5 m2 , analyzed as a complete randomized design with ten replications of 17 birds. The following treatments were used: 0 (control), 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0, 12.5, and 15.0% ASB from 1 to 21, 22 to 42, and 43 to 47 days old. ASB diet was formulated to contain 12.12% CP and 2,233 kcal AMEn. The 7.5% ASB treatment increased feed intake from 22 to 42 day old, but decreased feed conversion in overall period (1 to 47 days) in relation to the control treatment. Excluding the 0% ASB treatment of variance analysis, carcass and drums yields and drum weight decreased linearly, whereas drumstick yield was optimized with 9.9% ASB in the diet. According to the performance data, it is recommended to include up to 9.9% ASB in the broilers diet.
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2006
Edson Lindolfo da Silva; José Humberto Vilar da Silva; José Jordão Filho; Marcelo Luís Gomes Ribeiro; Fernando Guilherme Perazzo Costa; Paulo Borges Rodrigues
The effects of feeding nine nutrition plans (NP) on the performance of 576 quails, allotted to a completely randomized design with nine treatments of four replicates of 16 birds, were evaluated in this trial. The following NP were analyzed from 1 to 21 days of age: NP1 = 28% of crude protein (CP), 1.5% lysine (L) and 1.1% methionine + cystine (MC) from 1 to 21 days and 24%CP, 1.3%L and 0.9% MC from 22 to 42 days (control); NP2 = 25.2% CP, 1.23% L and 0.83% MC from 1 to 21 days and of 21.6% CP, 1.0% L and 0.74% MC from 22 to 42 days; NP3 = 22.4% CP, 0.71% MC from 1 to 21 days and 1.2% L and 19.2% CP, 0.64% MC and 0.95% L from 22 to 42 days; NP4 = NP2+L; NP5 = NP3+L; NP6 = NP2+MC; NP7 = NP3+MC; NP8 = NP2+L+MC; and NP9 = NP3+L+MC. The diet supplementation from NP4 to NP9 with L, MC or L+MC aimed to provide values of L and MC similar to NP1. Diets (2,900 kcal ME/kg ) and water were fed ad libitum in both phases. From 1 to 21 days, decreasing dietary crude protein levels from 28 to 22.4% also reduced intake, body weight, weight gain, but did not affect feed conversion. The dietary supplementation with MC increased bird performance. The recommended level of L (1.5%) in a deficient diet in CP (19.2%) and MC (0.71%) decreased quail growth from 1 to 21 days of age. However, meeting the MC requirements decreased dietary CP levels from 28 to 22.4% and from 24 to 19.2%, respectively, for quails from 1 to 21 and 22 to 42 days of age, independent of the lysine supplementation.
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2008
Daniel de Magalhães Araujo; José Humberto Vilar da Silva; José Anchieta de Araujo; Elisanie Neiva Magalhães Teixeira; José Jordão Filho; Marcelo Luís Gomes Ribeiro
O estudo foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos da inclusao de farelo de trigo (FT) na racao sobre o desempenho de frangas semipesadas nas fases de recria 1 (7 a 14 semanas de idade) e recria 2 (15 a 19 semanasde idade) e seu efeito residual durante a fase inicial de producao de ovos. Foram utilizadas 160 frangas Lohmann Brown distribuidas em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com quatro niveis de FT na racao: 0 (controle), 10, 20 e 30%, que resultaram em quatro tratamentos, com cinco repeticoes de oito aves na fase de recria 1. Ao completarem 14 semanas, as aves foram transferidas para gaiolas de arame galvanizado, redistribuidas em seis repeticoes de seis aves. Utilizaram-se 144 aves e descartaram-se, aleatoriamente, quatro aves por tratamento, constituindo a fase de recria 2. A adicao de FT diminuiu linearmente o peso vivo final e o ganho de peso, resultando em reducoes de 1,15 e 0,03 g, respectivamente, para cada 1% de inclusao de FT na racao. O consumo de agua aumentou de forma quadratica e cresceu, em valores absolutos, com o aumento de 0 a 30% de farelo de trigo. A cada aumento de 1% de FT na racao, a idade das aves ao primeiro ovo elevou aproximadamente 0,6 dia e o peso do ovo em 0,22 g. A inclusao de farelo de trigo na racao reduz a taxa de crescimento de frangas, atrasa o inicio da postura, mas melhora o peso inicial dos ovos em relacao a dietas a base de milho e de farelo de soja.
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2004
José Humberto Vilar da Silva; Marinalva Barbosa da Silva; José Jordão Filho; Edson Lindolfo da Silva; Iremar Silva Andrade; Djair Alves de Melo; Marcelo Luís Gomes Ribeiro; Maria do Rosário de Fontes Rocha; Fernando Guilherme Perazzo Costa; Wilson Moreira Dutra Júnior
This experiment was carried out to estimate the crude protein and metabolizable energy requirements for maintenance and gain of 384 females of Japanese quails from 1 to 12 days of age. A completely randomized design with four treatments, with six replicates of ten birds each, was used. The treatments were: T1 = basal diet (BD) with 28% CP and 2,900 kcal AMEn ad libitum; T2 = 80%; T3 = 60% and T4 = 40% of ad libitum (close to maintenance). In the beginning of the experimental phase, four groups of 15 quails was slaughtered by cervical displacement. Gain requirements were obtained from 12 groups of 15 quails, that were separately reared and fed ad libitum. Therefore, four groups of fifteen birds were slaughtered at 4, 8 and 12 days of age. In the final of the experiment, all birds from pens were slaughtered to estimate maintenance requirements by the comparative slaughter methodology. The prediction equations to estimate daily CP and AMEn requirements of maintenance and gain of Japanese quails from 1 to 12 days of age were: CP (g/d) = 2.845.W.75 + 0.461.G and AMEn (kcal/d) = 77.07.P0.75 + 4.64.G, where CP is crude protein, W is live weight (kg), G is weight gain and AMEn is apparent metabolizable energy nitrogen-corrected (kcal).
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2002
José Humberto Vilar da Silva; José Nilton Corrêa de Oliveira; Edson Lindolfo da Silva; José Jordão Filho; Marcelo Luís Gomes Ribeiro
An experiment was conducted to evaluate the inclusion levels of integral mesquite pods meal (MPM) (0, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25%) in diet on laying quail performance. Two hundred and sixteen layer quails with 160 days of age and live weight of 189 g were allotted to an experimental design completely randomized. The studied variables were obtained in three periods of 21 days. The 25% of MPM level reduced feed intake and egg mass when compared to control. Except for the control, feed intake, egg production, egg mass production and egg feed mass ratio were quadratically affected. Based on the results of this work, the MPM can be included up to 15% or 150 g/kg in partial corn replacement of isonitrogen and isoenergy diets, without an adverse effect on laying hens quail performance.
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2004
José Humberto Vilar da Silva; Marinalva Barbosa da Silva; José Jordão Filho; Edson Lindolfo da Silva; Iremar Silva Andrade; Djair Alves de Melo; Marcelo Luís Gomes Ribeiro; Maria do Rosário de Fontes Rocha; Fernando Guilherme Perazzo Costa; Wilson Moreira Dutra Júnior
Um experimento foi realizado com o objetivo de estimar as exigencias de proteina e de energia em 128 femeas de codornas japonesas na fase de 15 a 32 dias de idade, pelo metodo fatorial. Utilizou-se um delineamento inteiramente ao acaso com quatro tratamentos, composto por quatro repeticoes de oito aves. Os tratamentos foram: T1 = dieta basal (DB) com 24,1% de proteina bruta (PB) e 2.900 kcal de energia metabolizavel aparente corrigida pelo balanco de nitrogenio (EMAn) fornecida a vontade; T2 = 80%; T3 = 60% e T4 = 40% do nivel de oferta do T1 (proximo a mantenca). No inicio da fase experimental, quatro grupos (referencia) de 15 codornas foram abatidos por deslocamento cervical, sem perdas de penas e de sangue. Para as estimativas das exigencias de ganho, doze grupos de 15 codornas foram criados paralelamente, alimentados a vontade, e quatro grupos foram abatidos sequencialmente no 22o, 29o e 32o dia. As aves de todas as parcelas foram abatidas no 32o dia, para estimar as exigencias de mantenca. As equacoes de predicao para estimar as exigencias de mantenca e de ganho de codornas japonesas de 15 a 32 dias foram, respectivamente: PB (g/ave/d) = 4,752.P0,75 + 0,843.G e EMAn (kcal/ave/d) = 91,480.P0,75 + 9,32.G, em que PB e a exigencia de proteina bruta; P, o peso vivo (kg); G, o ganho de peso (kg); e EMAn, a energia metabolizavel aparente corrigida pelo balanco de nitrogenio (kcal).
Ciencia E Agrotecnologia | 2007
Edson Lindolfo da Silva; José Humberto Vilar da Silva; José Jordão Filho; Marcelo Luís Gomes Ribeiro
Com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito do plano de nutricao (PN) e do sexo (S) sobre rendimento de carcaca de codornas utilizou-se 576 codornas, distribuidas num delineamento inteiramente ao acaso em arranjo fatorial 9 X 2 (PN X S), que resultaram em 18 tratamentos com quatro repeticoes de oito aves. Os PN foram avaliados de 1 a 21 e de 22 a 42 dias de idade: PN1 = 28% PB, 1,5% de lisina (L) e 1,1% de metionina+cistina (MC), e 24% de PB, 1,3% L e 0,9% MC; PN2 = 25,2% PB, 1,23% L e 0,83% MC, e 21,6% PB, 1,0% L e 0,74% MC; PN3= 22,4% PB, 1,2% L e 0,71% MC, e 19,2% PB, 0,95% L, 0,64% MC; PN4 = PN2+L; PN5 = PN3+L; PN6 = PN2+MC; PN7 = PN3+MC; PN8 = PN2+L+MC e PN9 = PN3+L+MC. As suplementacoes com fontes industriais de Lys e Met+Cys foram realizadas para garantir niveis semelhantes destes aminoacidos nas dietas em que a proteina foi reduzida (do PN4 ate o PN9). Houve interacoes do PN com o sexo para o peso vivo, peso de carcaca, peito e pernas. Para a fase de 1 a 21 recomendam-se 22,4% de PB, 1,2% de lisina e 1,1% de aminoacidos sulfurosos (AAS), e de 22 a 42 sugerem-se 19,2% de PB, 0,95% de lisina e 0,9% de AAS.
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2006
Edson Lindolfo da Silva; José Humberto Vilar da Silva; José Jordão Filho; Marcelo Luís Gomes Ribeiro; Terezinha Domiciano Dantas Martins; Fernando Guilherme Perazzo Costa
The effect of decreasing dietary CP and supplementation of lysine and methionine+cystine on the performance of 270 laying hens Lohmann LSL strain was evaluated in this trial. The birds averaging 26 weeks of age were allotted to a stocking rate of 562 cm2/bird as a completely randomized design with five replicate of six birds. The treatments were as follows: T1 = control diet (CD) with 16.5% CP, 0.80% of lysine (L) and 0.70% of methionine+cystine (MC); T2 = 15.25% CP, 0.73% of L and 0.64% of MC; T3 = 14%CP, 0.66% of L and 0.58% of MC; T4 = 15,25% CP with 0.80% of L and 0.64% of MC; T5 = 14% CP with 0.80% of L and 0.58% of MC; T6 = 15,25% CP with 0.73% of L and 0.70% of MC; T7 = 14% CP with 0.66% of L and 0.70 of MC; T8 = 15,25% CP with 0.80% of L and 0.70% of MC and, T9 = 14% CP with 0.80% of L and 0.70% of MC. The diets contained 2,800 kcal of ME. Diets were suppplemented with amino acids at 15.25 and 14.0% of crude protein to show levels of Lys, MC or L+MC similar to control. The birds were fed 110 g of diet/day and water ad libitum and were submitted at a program of light of 17 hours. The variables were evaluated during four periods of 28 days. The decreasing dietary CP from 16.5 to 14% did not affect bird performance, whereas the lysine supplementation of lower protein diet decreased egg production and egg mass and feed:egg mass ratio and feed:egg dozen ratio in relation to control.