Mennofatria Boer
Bogor Agricultural University
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Featured researches published by Mennofatria Boer.
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis | 2017
Nurul Najmi; Mennofatria Boer; Fredinan Yulianda
Coral reef ecosystem is important for coastal resources. Damage of Coral reefs resulted in de-gradation of population and fishes reef diversity . The East coast ofWeh Island in Sabang designated as conversation area that has aim to keep coral reefs from destructive utilization activites. The purpose of this study was to know the status of coral reefecosystems management in marine protected areaEast C oastWeh Island , Sabang and to analyze the attributessensitivelyfromthe dimension of ecological,socio-economicand institutional sector .The methodthat used to know the status of the sustainablemanagement is RAPFISHanalysis. D imensions of the ecology can be known by measuring the coral growth us ed thePointIntercept Transect,reef f ishabundanceus ed UnderwaterVisualCensusFishmethod. Socio-economic and institutionaldimensions will be collected through Focus Group Discussion(FGD) and help by questionnaire s . M anagement s tatus of coral reef ecosystems in the region of the East coast Weh islandmultidimensional ly indicates that it was quitesustainable.The most sensitiveattributeof the management is the growth ofsaplings ofcorals,reef fishabundance, conflicts between fishermen,the public perceptionagainstthe abundance of fish, the role of the community, and the fishing managements .
Marine Fisheries : Journal of Marine Fisheries Technology and Management | 2016
Munirah Tuli; Mennofatria Boer; Luky Adrianto
ABSTRACT Skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) is the one commodity that the waters of the Gulf of Tomini which potential and high economic value, and the fishermen used with various types of fishing technology. The aims of this study was to see whether the fish catches of skipjack influenced by extrinsic factors such as zones, depth, and season and knowing revenue per fishing effort. This study used primary data, especially on fish resources obtained through direct observation of research and interviews with actors fishery (fishing/crew, ship owners, collectors, officers TPI and other stakeholders), and the option to use a list of questions/questionnaire structured according to the research objectives. Secondary data were collected through the reporting of fisheries statistics include statistical data of domestic fisheries (RTP), statistics fleets and fishing gear, production data from the Department of Fisheries and Marine Gorontalo Province, Department of Fisheries and Marine Pohuwato, the Central Bureau of Statistics of Gorontalo Province Development Planning Agency Regional and Tomini Bay Sustainable Coastal Livelihoods and Management (SUSCLAM). In addition, a variety of literature supporting this research e.g. scientific publications, local publications and other documents. Data analysis was performed using resources through the stock abundance index data recording catches and the number of trips/boat/gear in the time series, to determine the allocation of fishing effort on the abundance of fish. Next will be the calculation of the catch per effort (CPUE, Catch per Unit of Effort). Analysis of the allocation of fishing effort done using monthly seasonal index (%), and forecasts an economic advantage by analysis Revenue per Unit Effort (RPUEj). The results of the study explained that the test results obtained by a factor wald gear types, depths and seasons significant effect on catches of tuna with a p-value <5%. The zone does not affect the catches of skipjack. Based on the Monthly Seasonal Index (Ij) that Ij the August high of 69, 05% then followed in July by 65, 94%. The results of the analysis Revenue per Unit Effort (RPUEj), the value of the highest RPUE for flying fish and tuna occur on in October of IDR 102,325,862. Keywords: resource analysis, skipjack, Pahuwato ABSTRAK Ikan cakalang (Katsuwonus pelamis) merupakan salah satu komoditas perikanan di perairan Teluk Tomini yang potensial dan bernilai ekonomi tinggi, dimanfaatkan nelayan dengan berbagai jenis teknologi penangkapan ikan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat apakah hasil tangkapan ikan cakalang di pengaruhi oleh faktor ekstrinsik seperti zona, kedalaman, dan musim dan mengetahui pendapatan per upaya tangkap. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah data primer khususnya tentang sumberdaya ikan yang diperoleh melalui pengamatan langsung di lokasi penelitian dan wawancara dengan para pelaku perikanan (nelayan/ABK, pemilik kapal, pengumpul, petugas TPI dan stakeholders lainnya), dan pilihan dengan menggunakan daftar pertanyaan/kuisioner yang terstruktur sesuai dengan tujuan penelitian. Data sekunder yang dikumpulkan melalui laporan statistik perikanan mencakup data statistik rumah tangga perikanan (RTP), statistik armada dan alat tangkap, data produksi dari Dinas Perikanan dan Kelautan Provinsi Gorontalo, Dinas Perikanan dan Kelautan Kabupaten Pohuwato, Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Gorontalo, Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah serta Tomini Bay Sustainable Coastal Livelihoods and Management (SUSCLAM). Selain itu, berbagai literatur yang mendukung penelitian ini misalkan publikasi ilmiah, publikasi daerah dan dokumen lainnya. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan Indeks kelimpahan stok sumberdaya melalui.pencatatan data hasil tangkapandan jumlah trip/kapal/alat tangkap secara runtun waktu,untuk mengetahui alokasi upaya penangkapan terhadap kelimpahan ikan. Selanjutnya akan dilakukan penghitungan hasil tangkapan per upaya (CPUE, Catch per Unit of Effort). Analisis alokasi usaha penangkapan dilakukan dengan menggunakan indeks musiman bulanan (%), dan prakiraan keuntungan ekonomi dengan analisis Revenue Per Unit Effort (RPUEj). Hasil penelitian menjelaskan bahwa dari hasil uji wald diperoleh faktor jenis alat tangkap, kedalaman dan musim berpengaruh signifikan terhadap hasil tangkapan ikan cakalang dengan p-value<5%. Adapun zona tidak berpengaruh terhadap hasil tangkapan ikan cakalang.Berdasarkan Indeks Musiman Bulanan (Ij) bahwa Ij bulan Agustus yang tertinggi sebesar 69, 05 % kemudian di ikuti bulan Juli sebesar 65, 94 %.Hasil analisisRevenue Per Unit Effort (RPUEj), nilai RPUE tertinggi untuk ikan layang dan ikan cakalang terjadi pada bulan Oktober sebesar Rp 102,325,862. Kata kunci: analisis sumberdaya ikan, ikan cakalang, Pahuwato
Aacl Bioflux | 2015
Ali Mashar; Yusli Wardiatno; Mennofatria Boer; Nurlisa A Butet; Achmad Farajallah; Puji Utari Ardika
tropical life sciences research | 2015
Zairion; Yusli Wardiatno; Mennofatria Boer; Achmad Fahrudin
Environment, Development and Sustainability | 2018
Nurul Dhewani Mirah Sjafrie; Luky Adrianto; Ario Damar; Mennofatria Boer
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences | 2012
Indra Jaya; Mennofatria Boer; Setyo Budi Susilo; Amiruddin Tahir
Jurnal Penelitian Perikanan Indonesia | 2016
Zairion Zairion; Mennofatria Boer; Yusli Wardiatno; Achmad Fahrudin
Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Perairan dan Perikanan Indonesia | 2016
Desniarti; Akhmad Fauzi; Daniel R. Monintja; Mennofatria Boer
Archive | 2014
Rahmat Kurnia; Mennofatria Boer
Unstain Nwj Rembet; Mennofatria Boer; Dietriech G. Bengen; Achmad Fahrudin