Sergio Schneider
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
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Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais | 2003
Sergio Schneider
This paper aims at presenting an analytical reference that allows understanding pluriactivity as a strategy for social and economic reproduction for rural families. In the introduction, we present the context in which the study of family farming and pluriactivity emerges in Brazil. In the first section, we discuss the origin and evolution of the debate about pluriactivity, a situation mainly related to the reality in developed countries. In the second section, we try to position the analysis of pluriactivity in the context of the theoretical traditions that are classical in agrarian studies, showing how this phenomenon has already been object of concern for others authors. In the third section, we aim to position pluriactivity in the main contemporaneous analytical approaches of the social theory and indicate which one seems to be adequate for the study. In the fourth section, we discuss the central theme of this paper, which is the relationship between family farming and pluriactivity from a theoretical and conceptual point of view. In the fifth section, we indicate a methodological perspective to study pluriactivity in family units.This paper aims at presenting an analytical reference that allows understanding pluriactivity as a strategy for social and economic reproduction for rural families. In the introduction, we present the context in which the study of family farming and pluriactivity emerges in Brazil. In the first section, we discuss the origin and evolution of the debate about pluriactivity, a situation mainly related to the reality in developed countries. In the second section, we try to position the analysis of pluriactivity in the context of the theoretical traditions that are classical in agrarian studies, showing how this phenomenon has already been object of concern for others authors. In the third section, we aim to position pluriactivity in the main contemporaneous analytical approaches of the social theory and indicate which one seems to be adequate for the study. In the fourth section, we discuss the central theme of this paper, which is the relationship between family farming and pluriactivity from a theoretical and conceptual point of view. In the fifth section, we indicate a methodological perspective to study pluriactivity in family units.
Saude E Sociedade | 2010
Rozane Marcia Triches; Sergio Schneider
Este trabalho pretende abordar a relacao entre consumo, producao e politicas publicas alimentares a partir do Programa de Alimentacao Escolar (PAE) brasileiro, buscando entender como ocorre a consolidacao de sistemas diferenciados de producao e consumo de alimentos. Para isso, almeja-se evidenciar como ele vem sendo utilizado no Brasil em relacao a aquisicao de generos alimenticios para a alimentacao escolar de agricultores familiares, as dificuldades e barreiras enfrentadas, as formas encontradas para superacao e os efeitos e contribuicoes quando da efetivacao dessa pratica. Foi utilizado estudo de caso com tecnicas qualitativas de levantamento e analise de dados e informacoes secundarias. Verificou-se que, diante do complexo cenario alimentar e nutricional brasileiro, o Estado providenciou na ultima decada politicas que apoiam a aproximacao de consumidores e produtores no nivel local. Porem, a exemplo do PAE, regulamentacoes contraditorias, como a dos processos licitatorios de compras publicas e as exigencias legais e sanitarias para a formalizacao desses pequenos agricultores, ainda mantem essas proposicoes longe de se concretizarem. Os exemplos dos municipios descritos demonstram a importância da coesao e da interacao social local na efetivacao dessas politicas. Observou-se como resultados aparentes uma modificacao no nivel do consumo, no que diz respeito a aceitacao de alimentos mais saudaveis e adequados por parte dos alunos, uma revitalizacao com novas perspectivas de mercado para a agricultura familiar e o fomento de praticas de producao consideradas menos nocivas ao ambiente.
Brazilian Journal of Rural Economy and Sociology | 2014
Catia Grisa; Sergio Schneider
This article aims to analyze the trajectory of construction of public policies for family farming in Brazil, trying to emphasize the “generation” or public policy referentials strengthened in some key moments, the way these benchmarks were built and the relations between state and civil society. The analysis points to the emergence, in different periods and contexts, of three generations or public policy benchmarks for family farming, the first being guided by strengthening the agricultural and agrarian bias of these social group; the second focusing on social and welfare policies, and the third, by building market devices for food and nutritional security and enviromental sustainability. This analysis also highlights that the relations between state and civil society have changed and become more complex over time. From criticism and claiming positions, civil society actors came to be proactive and, more recently, also a partner in the implementation and management public policies. It is noteworthy that the three generations of public policies and various forms of relationship between civil society and state follow and coexist in public arenas till today.
Revista De Economia E Sociologia Rural | 2013
Marcio Gazolla; Sergio Schneider
This article aims to study the National Programme for Strengthening Family Agriculture (Pronaf) in their credit lines for costing and investment, in order to investigate their relationships and interfaces with the family farm, using it for a study in Rio Grande do Sul (Middle High Uruguay microregion). The question to be answered is: what kind of building that is generating Pronaf with family farmers? To do this, it was used a methodology based on qualitative, using semi-structured interviews and underpinned by arguments with secondary data from various sources and research. It is concluded that the program has a dual logic. On the one hand, it is financing production activities usual for farmers, such as grain and agricultural commodities. On the other hand, there is a process of economic diversification of productive activities, small livestock, crops and basic food for household consumption.
Sociedade E Estado | 2007
Guilherme Francisco Waterloo Radomsky; Sergio Schneider
The paper analyses social networks from a point of view that highlights reciprocity relations. Applying a case study in Veranopolis municipality, Rio Grande do Sul, the paper find out to understand the importance of reciprocity relations in the constitution of labour networks engaged to trading, micro fusion industries, shoes and sporting goods industries. The analysis aims to demonstrate that even though the existence of a common social origin, labour networks show different characteristics that refer to labour forms, modes of operation and competition regulation between the entrepreneurships. In this study, the set of network relations is responsible for providing dynamism to the labour market as well as for the differentiation of the local economy, articulating actors who constitute social ties and exercise relevant effects to territorial development as a whole.
Revista de Extensão e Estudos Rurais | 2011
Joacir Rufino de Aquino; Sergio Schneider
Nesta primeira decada do seculo XXI, as nocoes de Extensao Rural e Comunicacao Rural confirmam seus deslocamentos paradigmaticos das perspectivas politicas e economicas de dominacao (1960-1970), na direcao de perspectivas culturais e simbolicas de interacao, principalmente com o avanco das tecnologias da informacao e comunicacao no final do seculo passado. As historias das praticas da Extensao Rural e dos estudos em Comunicacao Rural deixam como heranca os desafios de processos comunicativos eficazes que conectem o conhecimento a realidade dos problemas publicos no meio rural; que formulem interlocucoes adequadas a compreensao dos receptores de primeira ordem (extensionistas) e dos receptores finais (produtores rurais); que desenvolvam experiencia e conversacao midiatizada entre os atores sociais na busca de ampliar o debate e tecer solucoes em torno dos problemas sociais, economicos e ambientais no meio rural brasileiro.O objetivo do artigo e analisar a questao da seguranca alimentar no Brasil, o impacto das politicas publicas entre os anos 2004 e 2009 e o perfil da inseguranca alimentar. A abordagem se baseia nos dados da Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicilios. O estudo mostra que houve uma evolucao positiva no combate a inseguranca alimentar, nao obstante os efeitos produzidos pela crise economica mundial. O perfil da inseguranca alimentar brasileira indica que esse fenomeno atinge muito mais intensamente as regioes setentrionais, as pessoas de cor preta ou parda, os mais pobres e as regioes rurais.O meio rural transforma-se em um espaco cada vez mais heterogeneo e diversificado, e a juventude e afetada pela diluicao das fronteiras entre os espacos rurais e urbanos. Diante desta problematica, a presente pesquisa buscou analisar o perfil socioeconomico dos jovens das Linhas Dr. Pedro e Mirim, municipio de Santa Rosa (RS), inseridos nas atividades rurais. Para compreender as transformacoes comportamentais desses jovens, foram investigadas 17 familias por meio de observacao participante e entrevistas semiestruturadas. Os resultados apontam para uma tendencia dos jovens em planejar seu futuro profissional no meio urbano. Destaca-se a importância da influencia dos pais e das organizacoes religiosas na tomada de decisao destes jovens. Ressalta-se a relevância das politicas publicas, do Credito Fundiario e do Pronaf, por exemplo, como forma de estimular a participacao e a permanencia dos jovens no meio rural. Entretanto, julga-se necessario pensar e implementar politicas publicas que visem a melhoria da qualidade de vida e bem-estar social dos jovens rurais.O crescimento das atividades nao-agricolas e pluriativas no meio rural ampliam as possibilidades de reproducao socioeconomica das pessoas levando, gradativamente, a um deslocamento da centralidade da terra como fonte de ge-racao de renda e emprego no campo. Procuramos investigar nesta pesquisa se tal fato repercute nos arranjos matrimoniais entre familias que vivem no campo. E sabido que dentro de um rural agricola em que a terra tinha um valor central na geracao de renda, os casamentos eram considerados como um assunto de familia, como sendo importantes demais para serem decididos pelos individuos. Mas, e quando outras formas de renda nao agricolas ganham importância para as familias que vivem no campo, tal fato modifica os arranjos conjugais entre os indi-viduos? Assim, procuramos analisar neste artigo se a aproximacao entre campo e cidade em termos do mercado de trabalho e de servicos traz transformacoes para a forma como se constroem as relacoes afetivas no meio rural brasileiro. Enfim, analisamos se a economia da intimidade se modifica no âmbito do rural pluriati-vo, ampliando-se e trazendo a baila novos modelos de relacoes conjugais.A partir do inicio de 2004, o MDA - Ministerio do Desenvolvimento Agrario iniciou a implantacao do Programa de ATES (Assessoria Tecnica Social, Ambiental a Reforma Agraria) nos assentamentos rurais de todo o pais. O programa de ATES visa dar aos assentamentos uma maior capacidade de organizacao social e produtiva com valorizacao das questoes ambientais. O trabalho ora apresentado buscou avaliar, tomando como referencia a base conceitual do programa, seus impactos entre 2005 e 2007 nos assentamentos rurais sob jurisdicao da SR06 – Minas Gerais, principalmente no que se refere as acoes das diferentes entidades prestadora do servico de ATES. Para tanto foram realizadas entrevistas com os assentados de forma a avaliar a percepcao dos beneficiarios sobre os impactos dos servicos prestados.Este trabalho analisa a atuacao dos mediadores sociais, especialmente os extensionistas rurais, junto aos artesaos ceramistas e entalhadores do Vale do Jequitinhonha. A pesquisa foi feita atraves de trabalho de campo e de entrevistas com vinte e dois artesaos ceramistas e entalhadores do alto, medio e baixo Jequitinhonha. Ficou constatada a fraca credibilidade das instituicoes mediadoras e o distanciamento de politicas publicas em relacao as demandas dos artesaos da regiao.
Constructing a new Framework for Rural Development | 2015
J.D. van der Ploeg; Ye JingZhong; Sergio Schneider
From a more general point of view the initiatives and novel practices of farmers represent ‘seeds of transition’. They are the ‘sprouts’ out of which new socio-technical modes for organizing production and marketing emerge – ‘sprouts’ that, taken together can be described under the term ‘rural development’. The examples are, on the whole, well-known; they include agro-ecological production, on-farm processing, agro-tourism, new credit associations and cooperative forms of commercialization. But it remains important to develop a more sociological interpretation of these new forms: since they are produced by social actors and are constantly redefined and modified through the relations and interactions implied by these new forms. This chapter defines the outline on actors and practices that will be discussed in later chapters of the book.
Archive | 2015
Sergio Schneider; Marcio Gazolla
In this chapter we examine how the small scale agro-industries located in Southern Brazil, specifically in the North of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, started to deal with changes in their production processes, how they created and adapted technologies, and devised new products. Among the main outcomes of the study we highlight the novelties observed during the field research, especially regarding the family situation and the agro-manufacturing activities, in which we observed (i) a relative raise in autonomy; (ii) improvement in both the income level and the quality of life of household members; (iii) creation of new nested markets and marketing channels; (iv) development of more environmentally sustainable products; (v) improvement of the value added to food products; and (vi) development of new interfaces between families and other social actors.
Lua Nova: Revista de Cultura e Política | 2015
Abel Cassol; Sergio Schneider
Este artigo analisa o processo de constituicao das novas formas de producao e consumo de alimentos e suas relacoes. Seu objetivo central consiste em verificar qual e o papel desempenhado pelos consumidores nesse processo. O campo de observacao empirica para realizacao do estudo foram grupos coletivos de aquisicao de alimentos da Italia e as feiras de venda direta no Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, constituindo-se em dois casos especificos. Foram verificadas entre eles diferencas significativas nas rotinas de consumo por parte dos consumidores, cujas motivacoes, valores e atribuicoes relacionadas aos alimentos e ao seu consumo mostram caracteristicas particularizadas. A contribuicao deste artigo as reflexoes sociologicas sobre alimentacao e consumo consiste em suscitar o debate em torno do papel dos consumidores na producao e comercializacao de alimentos atraves de redes alternativas.
Brazilian Journal of Rural Economy and Sociology | 2014
Fabiano Escher; Sergio Schneider; Luciana Maria Scarton; Marcelo Antonio Conterato
he article discusses the phenomenon of pluriactivity in Brazilian agriculture, referring to the diversification of economic and labour activities in rural areas, and pluri-incomes, referring to the diversification of income sources accessed by farmers and their families. Based on 2006 Agricultural Census data, an analysis for Brazil and Southern and Northeastern regions of the country is carried out, trying to compare the so-called “pluriactive households” belonging to family farming and non-family farming categories. The paper identifies and quantifies these households; characterize them according to the type of pluriactivity and the labour relations of employed persons; and identifies their distinct revenue sources, measuring the importance of each one in the formation of total revenue. The empirical finding of a higher percentage of non-family farming households classified as pluriactive (51.9%) than the family farming (34.1%) led to an intriguing theoretical question, since almost all the studies in Brazil always considered pluriactivity as a phenomenon specific to family farming. Although this question is only briefly discussed, the most significant result is that there must be an important part of family farmers who, precisely because they are pluriactive, are improperly classified as non-family farmers and, therefore, excluded from official statistics and possibly of the very public policies suitable for family farming.
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Guilherme Francisco Waterloo Radomsky
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
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