Featured Researches

Artificial Intelligence

Inferring spatial relations from textual descriptions of images

Generating an image from its textual description requires both a certain level of language understanding and common sense knowledge about the spatial relations of the physical entities being described. In this work, we focus on inferring the spatial relation between entities, a key step in the process of composing scenes based on text. More specifically, given a caption containing a mention to a subject and the location and size of the bounding box of that subject, our goal is to predict the location and size of an object mentioned in the caption. Previous work did not use the caption text information, but a manually provided relation holding between the subject and the object. In fact, the used evaluation datasets contain manually annotated ontological triplets but no captions, making the exercise unrealistic: a manual step was required; and systems did not leverage the richer information in captions. Here we present a system that uses the full caption, and Relations in Captions (REC-COCO), a dataset derived from MS-COCO which allows to evaluate spatial relation inference from captions directly. Our experiments show that: (1) it is possible to infer the size and location of an object with respect to a given subject directly from the caption; (2) the use of full text allows to place the object better than using a manually annotated relation. Our work paves the way for systems that, given a caption, decide which entities need to be depicted and their respective location and sizes, in order to then generate the final image.

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Artificial Intelligence

Information Ranking Using Optimum-Path Forest

The task of learning to rank has been widely studied by the machine learning community, mainly due to its use and great importance in information retrieval, data mining, and natural language processing. Therefore, ranking accurately and learning to rank are crucial tasks. Context-Based Information Retrieval systems have been of great importance to reduce the effort of finding relevant data. Such systems have evolved by using machine learning techniques to improve their results, but they are mainly dependent on user feedback. Although information retrieval has been addressed in different works along with classifiers based on Optimum-Path Forest (OPF), these have so far not been applied to the learning to rank task. Therefore, the main contribution of this work is to evaluate classifiers based on Optimum-Path Forest, in such a context. Experiments were performed considering the image retrieval and ranking scenarios, and the performance of OPF-based approaches was compared to the well-known SVM-Rank pairwise technique and a baseline based on distance calculation. The experiments showed competitive results concerning precision and outperformed traditional techniques in terms of computational load.

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Artificial Intelligence

Information algebras in the theory of imprecise probabilities

In this paper, we show that coherent sets of gambles and coherent lower and upper previsions can be embedded into the algebraic structure of information algebra. This leads firstly, to a new perspective of the algebraic and logical structure of desirability and imprecise probabilities and secondly, it connects imprecise probabilities to other formalism in computer science sharing the same underlying structure. Both the domain free and the labeled view of the resulting information algebras are presented, considering product possibility spaces. Moreover, it is shown that both are atomistic and therefore they can be embedded in set algebras.

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Artificial Intelligence

Information fusion between knowledge and data in Bayesian network structure learning

Bayesian Networks (BNs) have become a powerful technology for reasoning under uncertainty, particularly in areas that require causal assumptions that enable us to simulate the effect of intervention. The graphical structure of these models can be determined by causal knowledge, learnt from data, or a combination of both. While it seems plausible that the best approach in constructing a causal graph involves combining knowledge with machine learning, this approach remains underused in practice. This paper describes and evaluates a set of information fusion methods that have been implemented in the open-source Bayesys structure learning system. The methods enable users to specify pre-existing knowledge and rule-based information that can be obtained from heterogeneous sources, to constrain or guide structure learning. Each method is assessed in terms of structure learning impact, including graphical accuracy, model fitting, complexity and runtime. The results are illustrated both with limited and big data, with application to three BN structure learning algorithms available in Bayesys, and reveal interesting inconsistencies about their effectiveness where the results obtained from graphical measures often contradict those obtained from model fitting measures. While the overall results show that information fusion methods become less effective with big data due to higher learning accuracy rendering knowledge less important, some information fusion methods do perform better with big data. Lastly, amongst the main conclusions is the observation that reduced search space obtained from knowledge constraints does not imply reduced computational complexity, which can happen when the constraints set up a tension between what the data indicate and what the constraints are trying to enforce.

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Artificial Intelligence

Intelligent Software Web Agents: A Gap Analysis

Semantic web technologies have shown their effectiveness, especially when it comes to knowledge representation, reasoning, and data integrations. However, the original semantic web vision, whereby machine readable web data could be automatically actioned upon by intelligent software web agents, has yet to be realised. In order to better understand the existing technological challenges and opportunities, in this paper we examine the status quo in terms of intelligent software web agents, guided by research with respect to requirements and architectural components, coming from that agents community. We start by collating and summarising requirements and core architectural components relating to intelligent software agent. Following on from this, we use the identified requirements to both further elaborate on the semantic web agent motivating use case scenario, and to summarise different perspectives on the requirements when it comes to semantic web agent literature. Finally, we propose a hybrid semantic web agent architecture, discuss the role played by existing semantic web standards, and point to existing work in the broader semantic web community and beyond that could help us to make the semantic web agent vision a reality.

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Artificial Intelligence

Interpretable Reinforcement Learning Inspired by Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development

Endeavors for designing robots with human-level cognitive abilities have led to different categories of learning machines. According to Skinner's theory, reinforcement learning (RL) plays a key role in human intuition and cognition. Majority of the state-of-the-art methods including deep RL algorithms are strongly influenced by the connectionist viewpoint. Such algorithms can significantly benefit from theories of mind and learning in other disciplines. This paper entertains the idea that theories such as language of thought hypothesis (LOTH), script theory, and Piaget's cognitive development theory provide complementary approaches, which will enrich the RL field. Following this line of thinking, a general computational building block is proposed for Piaget's schema theory that supports the notions of productivity, systematicity, and inferential coherence as described by Fodor in contrast with the connectionism theory. Abstraction in the proposed method is completely upon the system itself and is not externally constrained by any predefined architecture. The whole process matches the Neisser's perceptual cycle model. Performed experiments on three typical control problems followed by behavioral analysis confirm the interpretability of the proposed method and its competitiveness compared to the state-of-the-art algorithms. Hence, the proposed framework can be viewed as a step towards achieving human-like cognition in artificial intelligent systems.

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Artificial Intelligence

Intrinsically Motivated Open-Ended Multi-Task Learning Using Transfer Learning to Discover Task Hierarchy

In open-ended continuous environments, robots need to learn multiple parameterised control tasks in hierarchical reinforcement learning. We hypothesise that the most complex tasks can be learned more easily by transferring knowledge from simpler tasks, and faster by adapting the complexity of the actions to the task. We propose a task-oriented representation of complex actions, called procedures, to learn online task relationships and unbounded sequences of action primitives to control the different observables of the environment. Combining both goal-babbling with imitation learning, and active learning with transfer of knowledge based on intrinsic motivation, our algorithm self-organises its learning process. It chooses at any given time a task to focus on; and what, how, when and from whom to transfer knowledge. We show with a simulation and a real industrial robot arm, in cross-task and cross-learner transfer settings, that task composition is key to tackle highly complex tasks. Task decomposition is also efficiently transferred across different embodied learners and by active imitation, where the robot requests just a small amount of demonstrations and the adequate type of information. The robot learns and exploits task dependencies so as to learn tasks of every complexity.

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Artificial Intelligence

Investment vs. reward in a competitive knapsack problem

Natural selection drives species to develop brains, with sizes that increase with the complexity of the tasks to be tackled. Our goal is to investigate the balance between the metabolic costs of larger brains compared to the advantage they provide in solving general and combinatorial problems. Defining advantage as the performance relative to competitors, a two-player game based on the knapsack problem is used. Within this framework, two opponents compete over shared resources, with the goal of collecting more resources than the opponent. Neural nets of varying sizes are trained using a variant of the AlphaGo Zero algorithm. A surprisingly simple relation, N A /( N A + N B ) , is found for the relative win rate of a net with N A neurons against one with N B . Success increases linearly with investments in additional resources when the networks sizes are very different, i.e. when N A ??N B , with returns diminishing when both networks become comparable in size.

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Artificial Intelligence

Iterative beam search algorithms for the permutation flowshop

We study an iterative beam search algorithm for the permutation flowshop (makespan and flowtime minimization). This algorithm combines branching strategies inspired by recent branch-and-bounds and a guidance strategy inspired by the LR heuristic. It obtains competitive results, reports many new-best-so-far solutions on the VFR benchmark (makespan minimization) and the Taillard benchmark (flowtime minimization) without using any NEH-based branching or iterative-greedy strategy. The source code is available at: this https URL.

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Artificial Intelligence

Jira: a Kurdish Speech Recognition System Designing and Building Speech Corpus and Pronunciation Lexicon

In this paper, we introduce the first large vocabulary speech recognition system (LVSR) for the Central Kurdish language, named Jira. The Kurdish language is an Indo-European language spoken by more than 30 million people in several countries, but due to the lack of speech and text resources, there is no speech recognition system for this language. To fill this gap, we introduce the first speech corpus and pronunciation lexicon for the Kurdish language. Regarding speech corpus, we designed a sentence collection in which the ratio of di-phones in the collection resembles the real data of the Central Kurdish language. The designed sentences are uttered by 576 speakers in a controlled environment with noise-free microphones (called AsoSoft Speech-Office) and in Telegram social network environment using mobile phones (denoted as AsoSoft Speech-Crowdsourcing), resulted in 43.68 hours of speech. Besides, a test set including 11 different document topics is designed and recorded in two corresponding speech conditions (i.e., Office and Crowdsourcing). Furthermore, a 60K pronunciation lexicon is prepared in this research in which we faced several challenges and proposed solutions for them. The Kurdish language has several dialects and sub-dialects that results in many lexical variations. Our methods for script standardization of lexical variations and automatic pronunciation of the lexicon tokens are presented in detail. To setup the recognition engine, we used the Kaldi toolkit. A statistical tri-gram language model that is extracted from the AsoSoft text corpus is used in the system. Several standard recipes including HMM-based models (i.e., mono, tri1, tr2, tri2, tri3), SGMM, and DNN methods are used to generate the acoustic model. These methods are trained with AsoSoft Speech-Office and AsoSoft Speech-Crowdsourcing and a combination of them. The best performance achieved by the SGMM acoustic model which results in 13.9% of the average word error rate (on different document topics) and 4.9% for the general topic.

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