Featured Researches

Artificial Intelligence

Hierarchical Learning Using Deep Optimum-Path Forest

Bag-of-Visual Words (BoVW) and deep learning techniques have been widely used in several domains, which include computer-assisted medical diagnoses. In this work, we are interested in developing tools for the automatic identification of Parkinson's disease using machine learning and the concept of BoVW. The proposed approach concerns a hierarchical-based learning technique to design visual dictionaries through the Deep Optimum-Path Forest classifier. The proposed method was evaluated in six datasets derived from data collected from individuals when performing handwriting exams. Experimental results showed the potential of the technique, with robust achievements.

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Artificial Intelligence

Hierarchical Multi-head Attentive Network for Evidence-aware Fake News Detection

The widespread of fake news and misinformation in various domains ranging from politics, economics to public health has posed an urgent need to automatically fact-check information. A recent trend in fake news detection is to utilize evidence from external sources. However, existing evidence-aware fake news detection methods focused on either only word-level attention or evidence-level attention, which may result in suboptimal performance. In this paper, we propose a Hierarchical Multi-head Attentive Network to fact-check textual claims. Our model jointly combines multi-head word-level attention and multi-head document-level attention, which aid explanation in both word-level and evidence-level. Experiments on two real-word datasets show that our model outperforms seven state-of-the-art baselines. Improvements over baselines are from 6\% to 18\%. Our source code and datasets are released at \texttt{\url{this https URL}}.

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Artificial Intelligence

Hierarchical Width-Based Planning and Learning

Width-based search methods have demonstrated state-of-the-art performance in a wide range of testbeds, from classical planning problems to image-based simulators such as Atari games. These methods scale independently of the size of the state-space, but exponentially in the problem width. In practice, running the algorithm with a width larger than 1 is computationally intractable, prohibiting IW from solving higher width problems. In this paper, we present a hierarchical algorithm that plans at two levels of abstraction. A high-level planner uses abstract features that are incrementally discovered from low-level pruning decisions. We illustrate this algorithm in classical planning PDDL domains as well as in pixel-based simulator domains. In classical planning, we show how IW(1) at two levels of abstraction can solve problems of width 2. For pixel-based domains, we show how in combination with a learned policy and a learned value function, the proposed hierarchical IW can outperform current flat IW-based planners in Atari games with sparse rewards.

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Artificial Intelligence

How RL Agents Behave When Their Actions Are Modified

Reinforcement learning in complex environments may require supervision to prevent the agent from attempting dangerous actions. As a result of supervisor intervention, the executed action may differ from the action specified by the policy. How does this affect learning? We present the Modified-Action Markov Decision Process, an extension of the MDP model that allows actions to differ from the policy. We analyze the asymptotic behaviours of common reinforcement learning algorithms in this setting and show that they adapt in different ways: some completely ignore modifications while others go to various lengths in trying to avoid action modifications that decrease reward. By choosing the right algorithm, developers can prevent their agents from learning to circumvent interruptions or constraints, and better control agent responses to other kinds of action modification, like self-damage.

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Artificial Intelligence

How can I choose an explainer? An Application-grounded Evaluation of Post-hoc Explanations

There have been several research works proposing new Explainable AI (XAI) methods designed to generate model explanations having specific properties, or desiderata, such as fidelity, robustness, or human-interpretability. However, explanations are seldom evaluated based on their true practical impact on decision-making tasks. Without that assessment, explanations might be chosen that, in fact, hurt the overall performance of the combined system of ML model + end-users. This study aims to bridge this gap by proposing XAI Test, an application-grounded evaluation methodology tailored to isolate the impact of providing the end-user with different levels of information. We conducted an experiment following XAI Test to evaluate three popular post-hoc explanation methods -- LIME, SHAP, and TreeInterpreter -- on a real-world fraud detection task, with real data, a deployed ML model, and fraud analysts. During the experiment, we gradually increased the information provided to the fraud analysts in three stages: Data Only, i.e., just transaction data without access to model score nor explanations, Data + ML Model Score, and Data + ML Model Score + Explanations. Using strong statistical analysis, we show that, in general, these popular explainers have a worse impact than desired. Some of the conclusion highlights include: i) showing Data Only results in the highest decision accuracy and the slowest decision time among all variants tested, ii) all the explainers improve accuracy over the Data + ML Model Score variant but still result in lower accuracy when compared with Data Only; iii) LIME was the least preferred by users, probably due to its substantially lower variability of explanations from case to case.

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Artificial Intelligence

How do some Bayesian Network machine learned graphs compare to causal knowledge?

The graph of a Bayesian Network (BN) can be machine learned, determined by causal knowledge, or a combination of both. In disciplines like bioinformatics, applying BN structure learning algorithms can reveal new insights that would otherwise remain unknown. However, these algorithms are less effective when the input data are limited in terms of sample size, which is often the case when working with real data. This paper focuses on purely machine learned and purely knowledge-based BNs and investigates their differences in terms of graphical structure and how well the implied statistical models explain the data. The tests are based on four previous case studies whose BN structure was determined by domain knowledge. Using various metrics, we compare the knowledge-based graphs to the machine learned graphs generated from various algorithms implemented in TETRAD spanning all three classes of learning. The results show that, while the algorithms produce graphs with much higher model selection score, the knowledge-based graphs are more accurate predictors of variables of interest. Maximising score fitting is ineffective in the presence of limited sample size because the fitting becomes increasingly distorted with limited data, guiding algorithms towards graphical patterns that share higher fitting scores and yet deviate considerably from the true graph. This highlights the value of causal knowledge in these cases, as well as the need for more appropriate fitting scores suitable for limited data. Lastly, the experiments also provide new evidence that support the notion that results from simulated data tell us little about actual real-world performance.

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Artificial Intelligence

Human Engagement Providing Evaluative and Informative Advice for Interactive Reinforcement Learning

Reinforcement learning is an approach used by intelligent agents to autonomously learn new skills. Although reinforcement learning has been demonstrated to be an effective learning approach in several different contexts, a common drawback exhibited is the time needed in order to satisfactorily learn a task, especially in large state-action spaces. To address this issue, interactive reinforcement learning proposes the use of externally-sourced information in order to speed up the learning process. Up to now, different information sources have been used to give advice to the learner agent, among them human-sourced advice. When interacting with a learner agent, humans may provide either evaluative or informative advice. From the agent's perspective these styles of interaction are commonly referred to as reward-shaping and policy-shaping respectively. Evaluation requires the human to provide feedback on the prior action performed, while informative advice they provide advice on the best action to select for a given situation. Prior research has focused on the effect of human-sourced advice on the interactive reinforcement learning process, specifically aiming to improve the learning speed of the agent, while reducing the engagement with the human. This work presents an experimental setup for a human-trial designed to compare the methods people use to deliver advice in term of human engagement. Obtained results show that users giving informative advice to the learner agents provide more accurate advice, are willing to assist the learner agent for a longer time, and provide more advice per episode. Additionally, self-evaluation from participants using the informative approach has indicated that the agent's ability to follow the advice is higher, and therefore, they feel their own advice to be of higher accuracy when compared to people providing evaluative advice.

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Artificial Intelligence

Identifying Causal Effects via Context-specific Independence Relations

Causal effect identification considers whether an interventional probability distribution can be uniquely determined from a passively observed distribution in a given causal structure. If the generating system induces context-specific independence (CSI) relations, the existing identification procedures and criteria based on do-calculus are inherently incomplete. We show that deciding causal effect non-identifiability is NP-hard in the presence of CSIs. Motivated by this, we design a calculus and an automated search procedure for identifying causal effects in the presence of CSIs. The approach is provably sound and it includes standard do-calculus as a special case. With the approach we can obtain identifying formulas that were unobtainable previously, and demonstrate that a small number of CSI-relations may be sufficient to turn a previously non-identifiable instance to identifiable.

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Artificial Intelligence

If You're Happy, Then You Know It: The Logic of Happiness... and Sadness

The article proposes a formal semantics of happiness and sadness modalities in imperfect information setting. It shows that these modalities are not definable through each other and gives a sound and complete axiomatization of their properties.

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Artificial Intelligence

Improved Sensitivity of Base Layer on the Performance of Rigid Pavement

The performance of rigid pavement is greatly affected by the properties of base/subbase as well as subgrade layer. However, the performance predicted by the AASHTOWare Pavement ME design shows low sensitivity to the properties of base and subgrade layers. To improve the sensitivity and better reflect the influence of unbound layers a new set of improved models i.e., resilient modulus (MR) and modulus of subgrade reaction (k-value) are adopted in this study. An Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model is developed to predict the modified k-value based on finite element (FE) analysis. The training and validation datasets in the ANN model consist of 27000 simulation cases with different combinations of pavement layer thickness, layer modulus and slab-base interface bond ratio. To examine the sensitivity of modified MR and k-values on pavement response, eight pavement sections data are collected from the Long-Term Pavement performance (LTPP) database and modeled by using the FE software ISLAB2000. The computational results indicate that the modified MR values have higher sensitivity to water content in base layer on critical stress and deflection response of rigid pavements compared to the results using the Pavement ME design model. It is also observed that the k-values using ANN model has the capability of predicting critical pavement response at any partially bonded conditions whereas the Pavement ME design model can only calculate at two extreme bonding conditions (i.e., fully bonding and no bonding).

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