Featured Researches

Artificial Intelligence

Improving Continuous-time Conflict Based Search

Conflict-Based Search (CBS) is a powerful algorithmic framework for optimally solving classical multi-agent path finding (MAPF) problems, where time is discretized into the time steps. Continuous-time CBS (CCBS) is a recently proposed version of CBS that guarantees optimal solutions without the need to discretize time. However, the scalability of CCBS is limited because it does not include any known improvements of CBS. In this paper, we begin to close this gap and explore how to adapt successful CBS improvements, namely, prioritizing conflicts (PC), disjoint splitting (DS), and high-level heuristics, to the continuous time setting of CCBS. These adaptions are not trivial, and require careful handling of different types of constraints, applying a generalized version of the Safe interval path planning (SIPP) algorithm, and extending the notion of cardinal conflicts. We evaluate the effect of the suggested enhancements by running experiments both on general graphs and 2 k -neighborhood grids. CCBS with these improvements significantly outperforms vanilla CCBS, solving problems with almost twice as many agents in some cases and pushing the limits of multiagent path finding in continuous-time domains.

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Artificial Intelligence

Improving ENIGMA-Style Clause Selection While Learning From History

We re-examine the topic of machine-learned clause selection guidance in saturation-based theorem provers. The central idea, recently popularized by the ENIGMA system, is to learn a classifier for recognizing clauses that appeared in previously discovered proofs. In subsequent runs, clauses classified positively are prioritized for selection. We propose several improvements to this approach and experimentally confirm their viability. For the demonstration, we use a recursive neural network to classify clauses based on their derivation history and the presence or absence of automatically supplied theory axioms therein. The automatic theorem prover Vampire guided by the network achieves a 41% improvement on a relevant subset of SMT-LIB in a real time evaluation.

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Artificial Intelligence

Improving Human Decision-Making by Discovering Efficient Strategies for Hierarchical Planning

To make good decisions in the real world people need efficient planning strategies because their computational resources are limited. Knowing which planning strategies would work best for people in different situations would be very useful for understanding and improving human decision-making. But our ability to compute those strategies used to be limited to very small and very simple planning tasks. To overcome this computational bottleneck, we introduce a cognitively-inspired reinforcement learning method that can overcome this limitation by exploiting the hierarchical structure of human behavior. The basic idea is to decompose sequential decision problems into two sub-problems: setting a goal and planning how to achieve it. This hierarchical decomposition enables us to discover optimal strategies for human planning in larger and more complex tasks than was previously possible. The discovered strategies outperform existing planning algorithms and achieve a super-human level of computational efficiency. We demonstrate that teaching people to use those strategies significantly improves their performance in sequential decision-making tasks that require planning up to eight steps ahead. By contrast, none of the previous approaches was able to improve human performance on these problems. These findings suggest that our cognitively-informed approach makes it possible to leverage reinforcement learning to improve human decision-making in complex sequential decision-problems. Future work can leverage our method to develop decision support systems that improve human decision making in the real world.

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Artificial Intelligence

Improving Model and Search for Computer Go

The standard for Deep Reinforcement Learning in games, following Alpha Zero, is to use residual networks and to increase the depth of the network to get better results. We propose to improve mobile networks as an alternative to residual networks and experimentally show the playing strength of the networks according to both their width and their depth. We also propose a generalization of the PUCT search algorithm that improves on PUCT.

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Artificial Intelligence

Improving Training Result of Partially Observable Markov Decision Process by Filtering Beliefs

In this study I proposed a filtering beliefs method for improving performance of Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes(POMDPs), which is a method wildly used in autonomous robot and many other domains concerning control policy. My method search and compare every similar belief pair. Because a similar belief have insignificant influence on control policy, the belief is filtered out for reducing training time. The empirical results show that the proposed method outperforms the point-based approximate POMDPs in terms of the quality of training results as well as the efficiency of the method.

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Artificial Intelligence

Incorporating Vision Bias into Click Models for Image-oriented Search Engine

Most typical click models assume that the probability of a document to be examined by users only depends on position, such as PBM and UBM. It works well in various kinds of search engines. However, in a search engine where massive candidate documents display images as responses to the query, the examination probability should not only depend on position. The visual appearance of an image-oriented document also plays an important role in its opportunity to be examined. In this paper, we assume that vision bias exists in an image-oriented search engine as another crucial factor affecting the examination probability aside from position. Specifically, we apply this assumption to classical click models and propose an extended model, to better capture the examination probabilities of documents. We use regression-based EM algorithm to predict the vision bias given the visual features extracted from candidate documents. Empirically, we evaluate our model on a dataset developed from a real-world online image-oriented search engine, and demonstrate that our proposed model can achieve significant improvements over its baseline model in data fitness and sparsity handling.

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Artificial Intelligence

Individualized Context-Aware Tensor Factorization for Online Games Predictions

Individual behavior and decisions are substantially influenced by their contexts, such as location, environment, and time. Changes along these dimensions can be readily observed in Multiplayer Online Battle Arena games (MOBA), where players face different in-game settings for each match and are subject to frequent game patches. Existing methods utilizing contextual information generalize the effect of a context over the entire population, but contextual information tailored to each individual can be more effective. To achieve this, we present the Neural Individualized Context-aware Embeddings (NICE) model for predicting user performance and game outcomes. Our proposed method identifies individual behavioral differences in different contexts by learning latent representations of users and contexts through non-negative tensor factorization. Using a dataset from the MOBA game League of Legends, we demonstrate that our model substantially improves the prediction of winning outcome, individual user performance, and user engagement.

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Artificial Intelligence

Induction and Exploitation of Subgoal Automata for Reinforcement Learning

In this paper we present ISA, an approach for learning and exploiting subgoals in episodic reinforcement learning (RL) tasks. ISA interleaves reinforcement learning with the induction of a subgoal automaton, an automaton whose edges are labeled by the task's subgoals expressed as propositional logic formulas over a set of high-level events. A subgoal automaton also consists of two special states: a state indicating the successful completion of the task, and a state indicating that the task has finished without succeeding. A state-of-the-art inductive logic programming system is used to learn a subgoal automaton that covers the traces of high-level events observed by the RL agent. When the currently exploited automaton does not correctly recognize a trace, the automaton learner induces a new automaton that covers that trace. The interleaving process guarantees the induction of automata with the minimum number of states, and applies a symmetry breaking mechanism to shrink the search space whilst remaining complete. We evaluate ISA in several gridworld and continuous state space problems using different RL algorithms that leverage the automaton structures. We provide an in-depth empirical analysis of the automaton learning performance in terms of the traces, the symmetry breaking and specific restrictions imposed on the final learnable automaton. For each class of RL problem, we show that the learned automata can be successfully exploited to learn policies that reach the goal, achieving an average reward comparable to the case where automata are not learned but handcrafted and given beforehand.

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Artificial Intelligence

Inductive Learning on Commonsense Knowledge Graph Completion

Commonsense knowledge graph (CKG) is a special type of knowledge graph (KG), where entities are composed of free-form text. However, most existing CKG completion methods focus on the setting where all the entities are presented at training time. Although this setting is standard for conventional KG completion, it has limitations for CKG completion. At test time, entities in CKGs can be unseen because they may have unseen text/names and entities may be disconnected from the training graph, since CKGs are generally very sparse. Here, we propose to study the inductive learning setting for CKG completion where unseen entities may present at test time. We develop a novel learning framework named InductivE. Different from previous approaches, InductiveE ensures the inductive learning capability by directly computing entity embeddings from raw entity attributes/text. InductiveE consists of a free-text encoder, a graph encoder, and a KG completion decoder. Specifically, the free-text encoder first extracts the textual representation of each entity based on the pre-trained language model and word embedding. The graph encoder is a gated relational graph convolutional neural network that learns from a densified graph for more informative entity representation learning. We develop a method that densifies CKGs by adding edges among semantic-related entities and provide more supportive information for unseen entities, leading to better generalization ability of entity embedding for unseen entities. Finally, inductiveE employs Conv-TransE as the CKG completion decoder. Experimental results show that InductiveE significantly outperforms state-of-the-art baselines in both standard and inductive settings on ATOMIC and ConceptNet benchmarks. InductivE performs especially well on inductive scenarios where it achieves above 48% improvement over present methods.

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Artificial Intelligence

Inductive logic programming at 30

Inductive logic programming (ILP) is a form of logic-based machine learning. The goal of ILP is to induce a hypothesis (a logic program) that generalises given training examples and background knowledge. As ILP turns 30, we survey recent work in the field. In this survey, we focus on (i) new meta-level search methods, (ii) techniques for learning recursive programs that generalise from few examples, (iii) new approaches for predicate invention, and (iv) the use of different technologies, notably answer set programming and neural networks. We conclude by discussing some of the current limitations of ILP and discuss directions for future research.

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